Hjalmar Gullberg

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Hjalmar Gullberg (born 30 May 1898 in Malmö, Skåne, died 19 July 1961 at Yddingesjön, Skåne; suicide) was a Swedish writer, poet and translator of Greek drama into Swedish.

As a student at Lund University, Gullberg was the editor of the student magazine Lundagård. He was the manager of the Swedish Radio Theatre 1936-1950. In 1940 he was made a member of the Swedish Academy, and he also became a honorary doctor of philosophy at Lund University (1944).

[edit] Bibliography

  • I en främmande stad (1927)
  • Sonat (1929)
  • Andliga övningar (1932)
  • Kärlek i tjugonde seklet (1933)
  • Ensamstående bildad herre. Tragicomic verse. (1935)
  • Att övervinna världen (1937)
  • 100 dikter; a selection from six volumes of verse (1939)
  • Röster från Skansen (1941)
  • Fem kornbröd och två fiskar (1942; includes Död amazon)
  • Hymn till ett evakuerat Nationalmuseum (1942)
  • Den heliga natten (1951)
  • Dödsmask och lustgård (1952)
  • Terziner i okonstens tid (1958)
  • Ögon, läppar (1959)
  • 50 dikter; a selection from three volumes of verse with an introduction by Carl Fehrman (1961)
  • En anständig och ömklig comoedia. A play in three acts by Hjalmar Gullberg and Olle Holmberg (published 1984)
  • Kärleksdikter (first edition with this title published 1967)
  • Dikter. With epilogue by Anders Palm (1985)

[edit] Selected translations and interpretations of other writers' work

[edit] External links

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