Hitting time

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In the study of stochastic processes in mathematics, a hitting time (or first hit time) is a particular instance of a stopping time, the first time at which a given process "hits" a given subset of the state space. Exit times and return times are also examples of hitting times.

[edit] Definitions

Let X : [0, + \infty) \times \Omega \to \mathbb{X} be a stochastic process, and let S be a measurable subset of the state space \mathbb{X}. Then the first hit time \tau_{S} : \Omega \to [0, + \infty] is the random variable defined by

\tau_{S} (\omega) := \inf \{ t > 0 | X_{t} (\omega) \in S \}.

The first exit time (from S) is defined to be the first hit time for \mathbb{X} \setminus S.

The first return time is defined to be the first hit time for the singleton set \{ X_{0} (\omega) \} \subseteq \mathbb{X}, which is usually a given deterministic element of the state space, such as the origin of the coordinate system.

[edit] Example

Let B denote standard Brownian motion on the real line \mathbb{R} starting at the origin. Then the hitting time τS is a stopping time for every Borel measurable set S \subseteq \mathbb{R}.

Let τr, r > 0, denote the first exit time for the interval ( − r,r), i.e. the first hit time for (- \infty, - r] \cup [r, + \infty). Then the expected value and variance of τr satisfy

\mathbb{E} \left[ \tau_{r} \right] = r^{2},
\mathrm{Var} \left[ \tau_{r} \right] = 2 r^{4}.