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HitlerJunge insignia board
HitlerJunge insignia board

HitlerJunge, translated as “Hitler Youth”, was a collective term used in the 1920s and 1930s to describe any member of the Hitler Youth. The term only applied to juvenile Hitler Youth members, whereas adult members were referred to as Hitlerjugendführer.

After 1933, the term HitlerJunge applied to the first of many Hitler Youth paramilitary ranks. The insignia was denoted by a bare shoulder strap with a Hitler Youth unit number. The use of the term HitlerJunge continued, however, as a generic term for any member of the organization.

The paramilitary rank of HitlerJunge was the most commonly held in the Hitler Youth, in particular after the Hitler Youth was made a mandatory organization for all young men between 14 and 18 years of age. The rank was typically held by either the very junior members of the organizations or by the older members who did not aspire for leadership positions but were rather “serving their time” as required by the law of Nazi Germany.

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