Historiography of the French Revolution

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The historiography of the French Revolution stretches back two hundred years to the event itself. Issues of causation became a contested issue in academic circles from the 1960s onwards in particular, and new research and interpretation continues to inform on the unanswerable question of what the Revolution means. As the first premier of the People's Republic China, Zhou Enlai, is supposed to have said when asked what the impact of the French Revolution was: "It's too early to tell".


[edit] Contemporary and 19th century historians

The constant stream of books could be said to begin with English politican Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). In it he established the conservative stream of opinion, wherein even the revolution of July 1789 went "too far". His book is not so much studied today as part of Revolution studies, but rather as a classic (the classic) of conservative political philosophy.

A simplified description of the liberal approach to the Revolution was typically to support the achievements of the constitutional monarchy of the National Assembly but disown the later actions of radical violence like the invasion of the Tuilieres and the Terror. French historians of the first half of the nineteenth century like the politican and man of letters François Guizot (1787-1874), historian François Mignet (published Histoire de la Révolution Française in 1824), and famous philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville (L’Ancien Régime et la révolution, 1856) established and wrote in this tradition.

Other French historians in the nineteenth-century (listed in rough chronological order):

  • Jules Michelet - his Histoire de la revolution française, published after the Revolution of 1848 is one of the lesser works of a generally highly esteemed writer. To quote the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, "in actual picturesqueness as well as in general veracity of picture, the book cannot approach Carlyle's; while as a mere chronicle of the events it is inferior to half a dozen prosaic histories older and younger than itself." More recently, though viewed still as a flawed work, it has seen renewed influence for its appraisal of the Revolution in its own terms. Michelet has, with Carlyle, disciples in several schools of modern history, whose common aim is to approach the subject matter through involvement rather than objectivity.
  • Louis Blanc - Blanc's 13-volume Histoire de la Révolution française (18471862) displays utopian socialist views, and sympathizes with Jacobinism.
  • Théodore Gosselin (1855-1935) Writing under the name "G. Lenotre",
  • F.A. Aulard - Founded the Société de l’Histoire de la Révolution and the bimonthly review Révolution française. Numerous works develop his republican, bourgeois, and anticlerical view of the revolution.
  • Hippolyte Taine - Among the more conservative of the originators of social history, his most famous work is his Origines de la France Contemporaine (1875-1893).
  • Albert Sorel - diplomatic historian; Europe et la Révolution française (8 volumes, 1895–1904); introductory section of this work translated as Europe under the Old Regime (1947).
  • Edgar Quinet - Late Romantic anti-Catholic nationalist.

One of the most famous English works on the Revolution remains Thomas Carlyle's two-volume The French Revolution, A History (1837) [1]. It is a romantic work, both in style and viewpoint. Passionate in his concern for the poor and in his interest in the fears and hopes of revolution, he (while reasonably historically accurate) is often more concerned with conveying his impression of the hopes and aspirations of people (and his opposition to ossified ideology—"formulas" or "Isms"—as he called them) than with strict adherence to fact. The undoubted passion and intensity of the text may also be due to the famous incident where he sent the completed draft of the first volume to John Stuart Mill for comment, only for Mill's maid to accidentally burn the volume to ashes, forcing Carlyle to start from scratch. He wrote to Ralph Waldo Emerson that the writing of the book was the "dreadfulest labor [he] ever undertook".[1]

[edit] French historians in the twentieth century

The three French figures who dominated Revolution scholarship in the first half of the twentieth century were Jean Jaurès, Albert Mathiez, and Georges Lefebvre. Jaurès was an eminent socialist politician in the Third Republic, and historian, assassinated on the eve of the First World War by a young nationalist. Mathiez, who died prematurely in 1932, published La Révolution français (3 volumes, 1922–1924, translated 1928) giving a socialist perspective on the revolution; he worked closely with Jaurès and was one of the more outspoken partisans of Robespierre.

Lefebvre, his successor and a secondary school teacher for many years before turning to university lecturing, was inspired by Jaures and came to the field from a mildly socialist viewpoint. His massive and reputation-making thesis, Les paysans du Nord (1924), was an account of the Revolution among provinicial peasants. He continued to research along these lines, publishing The Great Fear of 1789 (1932, first English translation 1973), about the panic and violence which spread throughout rural France in the summer of 1789. His work largely approaches the Revolution "from below", favouring explanations in terms of classes. His most famous work was Quatre-Vingt-Neuf (1939, translated into English as The Coming of the French Revolution, 1947). This skilfully and persuasively argued work interprets the Revolution through a Marxist lens: first there is the "aristocratic revolution" of the Assembly of Notables and the Paris Parlement in 1788; then the "bourgeois revolution" of the Third Estate; the "popular revolution", symbolised by the fall of the Bastille; and the "peasant revolution", represented by the "Great Fear" in the provinces and the burning of chateaus. (Alternately, one can view 1788 as the aristocratic revolution, 1789 the bourgeois revolution, and 1792/3 the popular revolution). This interpretation sees a rising capitalist middle-class overthrow a dying-out feudal aristocratic ruling caste, and held the field for almost twenty years. [2]. His major publication was La Révolution française (1957, translated and published in English in two volumes, 1962-1967). This, and particularly his later work on Napoleon and the Directory, remains highly regarded.[3]

Some other influential French historians of this period:

  • Ernst Labrousse, who performed extensive economic research on eighteenth-century France.
  • Albert Soboul. Although his reputation has fallen in recent years under the weight of the revisionist school, Soboul performed exhaustive research on the lower classes of the Revolution. His most famous work is The Sans-Culottes (1968).
  • George Rudé - another of Lefebvre's proteges, did further work on the popular side of the Revolution: The Crowd in the French Revolution (1959) is one of his most famous works.
  • Daniel Guerin - an anarchist, he is highly critical of the Jacobins.

Some of the significant conservative French historians of this period include:

  • Pierre Gaxotte - Royalist: The French Revolution (1928)
  • August Cochin - A conservative historian working at the beginning of the twentieth century, he found the origins of the Revolution in the activities of the intelligentsia[4]
  • Albert Sorel - diplomatic historian; Europe et la Révolution française (8 volumes, 1895–1904); introductory section of this work translated as Europe under the Old Regime (1947).

[edit] Chairs in the History of the French Revolution at the Sorbonne

  • Hippolyte Taine
  • Alphonse Aulard - 1891 (for more than thirty years)
  • Georges Lefebvre - 1937-1959
  • Albert Soboul - 1967-1982
  • Michel Vovelle - 1982

[edit] Revisionism and modern work

In 1954, Alfred Cobban used his inaugural lecture as Professor of French History at the University of London to attack what he called the "social interpretation" of the French Revolution. The lecture was later published as "The Myth of the French Revolution", but his seminal work arguing this point was The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution (1963). The main point he made was that feudalism had long since disappeared in France; that the Revolution did not transform French society, and that it was principally a political revolution, not a social one as Lefebvre and others insisted.

Although dismissed and attacked by the mainstream journals at first, Cobban was persistent and determined, and his approach was soon supported and modified by a flood of new research both inside and outside of France. American historian George V. Taylor's research established that the bourgeoisie of the Third Estate were not quite the budding capitalists they were made out to be; John McManners, Jean Egret, Franklin Ford and others wrote on the divided and complex situation of the nobility in pre-revolutionary France. The most significant opposition to arise in France was that of Annales historians Francois Furet, Denis Richet, and Mona Ozouf. Furet tends to realign the 1789 revolution in a "long" history of nineteenth century revolutionary France. His works include Interpreting the French Revolution (1981), a historiographical overview of what has preceded him and A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution (1989).[5]

Another seminal figure in the revisionism debate is the francophile Englishman Richard Cobb, who has produced a number of immensely detailed studies of both provincial and city life, avoiding the revisionism debate by "keeping his nose very close to the ground".[6] Les armées révolutionnaires (1968, translated as The People's Armies in 1987) is his most famous work.

William Doyle, professor at Bristol University, has published The Origins of the French Revolution (1988) and a revisionist history, The Oxford history of the French Revolution (2nd edition 2002). Another recent American historian working in this tradition is Keith Michael Baker. A collection of his essays (Inventing the French Revolution, 1990) examines the ideological origins of the Revolution.

[edit] Post-revisionism

Timothy Tackett in particular has changed approach, preferring archival research to historiographical dialectics. He challenges the ideas about nobility and bourgeoise in Becoming a Revolutionary (2006), a "collective biography" via letters and diaries of the third estate deputies of 1789. His other major work is When the King Took Flight (2004), a study of the rise of republicanism and radicalism in the Legislative Assembly in 1791/2.

Simon Schama's Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution (1989) is a popular, generally moderate/conservative history of the period. It is ostensibly a narrative of "Persons" and "Events", and more in the tradition of Carlyle than Tocqueville and Lefebvre.[7] Its narrative- while massive- focuses on the most visible leaders of the Revolution, even through its more "popular" phases. The book's allegiance is to historical literary styles rather than schools. Thus Schama is simultaneously able to deny the existence of a so-called "bourgeois" revolution, reserve apotheoses for Robespierre, Louis XVI, and the sans-culottes alike, and utilize historical nuance to a degree usually associated with more liberal historians. Borrowing from the Romantics for imagery (the introduction closely follows that of Michelet's "History..."), "Citizens" also refutes the Romantics' belief in the necessity of the Revolution. Schama concentrates on the early years of the Revolution, the Republic only taking up about a fifth of the book. He also places increased emphasis on insurrectionary violence in Paris and violence in general, claiming that it was "not the unfortunate by-product of revolution, [but] the source of its energy."[8]

Lynn Hunt, though often characterized as a feminist interpreter of the Revolution, is a consummate historian working in the wake of the revisionists, often in an unusual and innovative way. Her major works include Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution (1984), and The Family Romance of the French Revolution (1992), both interpretative works. The former focuses on the creation of a new democratic political culture from scratch, assigning the Revolution's greatest meaning here, in a political culture.[9] In the latter study she works with a somewhat Freudian interpretation, the political Revolution as a whole being seen as an enormous dysfunctional family haunted by patricide: Louis as father, Marie-Antoinette as mother, and the revolutionaries as an unruly mob of brothers. This novel approach has attracted more reserved reviews, described as "nervy and daring".[10].

Some other modern historians include:

  • Marcel Gauchet, author of La Révolution des droits de l'homme (1989) and La Révolution des pouvoirs (1995).
  • Owen Connelly - The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era (1993).
  • Olwen Hufton - writes on women in history. Her work with regard to the Revolution is Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution (1999)
  • Dale K. Van Kley - a historian of religion, particularly with regard to eighteenth century France.[11]

[edit] References

[edit] Works mentioned

Works mentioned, by date of first publication:

  • Burke, Edmund (1790). Reflections on the Revolution in France. 
  • Mignet, François (1824). Histoire de la révolution française. 
  • Guizot, François (1830). Histoire de la civilisation en France. 
  • Carlyle, Thomas (1837). The French Revolution: A History. 
  • Michelet, Jules (1847-1856). Histoire de la révolution française. 
  • Tocqueville, Alexis de (1856). L'Ancien régime et la révolution.  Usually translated as The Old Regime and the French Revolution.
  • Blanc, Louis (1847-1862). Histoire de la révolution française. 
  • Taine, Hippolyte (1875-1893). Origines de la France Contemporaine. 
  • Sorel, Albert (1895-1904). Europe et la Révolution Française.  Introductory part translated as Europe under the Old Regime (1947).
  • Mathiez, Albert (1922-1924). La Révolution française. 
  • Lefebvre, Georges (1924). Les paysans du Nord. 
  • Cochin, Augustin (1925). Les Sociétés de pensée et la Révolution en Bretagne. 
  • Gaxotte, Pierre (1928). La Révolution française. 
  • Lefebvre, Georges (1932). La Grande Peur de 1789.  Translated as The Great Fear of 1789 (1973).
  • Lefebvre, Georges (1939). Quatre-Vingt-Neuf.  Translated as The Coming of the French Revolution (1947).
  • Guerin, Daniel (1946). La lutte de classes sous la première République. 
  • Lefebvre, Georges (1957). La Révolution française.  Translated in two volumes: The French Revolution from its origins to 1793 (1962), and The French Revolution from 1793 to 1799 (1967).
  • Rudé, George (1959). The Crowd in the French Revolution. 
  • Cobban, Alfred (1963). The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution. Cambridge. 
  • Cobb, Richard (1968). Les armées révolutionnaires.  Translated as The People's Armies (1987).
  • Soboul, Albert (1968). Les Sans-Culottes.  Translated as The Sans-Culottes (1972).
  • Furet, François (1978). Penser la Révolution française. Gallimard.  Translated as Interpreting the French Revolution (1981).
  • Hunt, Lynn (1984). Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution. 
  • Doyle, William (1988). Origins of the French Revolution. Oxford. 
  • Furet, François; Mona Ozouf (1988). Dictionnaire critique de la Révolution Française.  Translated as A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution (1989).
  • Gauchet, Marcel (1989). La Révolution des droits de l'homme. Gallimard. 
  • Doyle, William (1989). The Oxford history of the French Revolution. Oxford. 
  • Schama, Simon (1989). Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution. Knopf. 
  • Baker, Keith Michael (1990). Inventing the French Revolution. 
  • Hunt, Lynn (1992). The Family Romance of the French Revolution. 
  • Connelly, Owen (1993). The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era. 
  • Van Kley, Dale K. (1996). The Religious Origins of the French Revolution. 
  • Hufton, Olwen (1999). Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution. 
  • Tackett, Timothy (2004). When the King Took Flight. 
  • Tackett, Timothy (2006). Becoming a Revolutionary. 

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Quoted in John Hall Stewart, A Documentary Survey of the French Revolution, Macmillan, 1951.
  2. ^ William Doyle. The Origins of the French Revolution. Oxford University Press, 1988, p. 8-9
  3. ^ Paul H. Beik, foreword to Georges Lefebvre, The French Revolution from its Origins to 1793, Columbia University Press, 1962
  4. ^ Kaplow, Jeffrey (1965). "Introduction". New Perspectives on the French Revolution: Readings in Historical Sociology: 10. 
  5. ^ Doyle, "Writings on Revolutionary Origins since 1939", in Origins
  6. ^ David Troyansky, review of Hunt's Politics, Culture, and Class. From The History Teacher, 20, 1 (Nov 1986), pp. 136-137
  7. ^ Simon Schama, "Prologue", Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, Knopf, 1988
  8. ^ Schama, Citizens, chp. 14 "September 1791-August 1792", p. iii "Marseillaise"
  9. ^ William H. Sewell. Review of Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution by Lynn Hunt. Theory and Society, 15, 6 (Nov 1986), pp. 915-917
  10. ^ Jeff Goodwin. Review of The Family Romance of the French Revolution by Lynn Hunt. Contemporary Sociology, 23, 1 (Jan 1994), pp. 71-72; quote from Madelyn Gutwirth. "Sacred Father; Profane Sons: Lynn Hunt's French Revolution". French Historical Studies, 19, 2 (Autumn 1995), pp. 261-276
  11. ^ Dale Van Kley, Ohio State University