Hispanic-Serving Institution

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A Hispanic-serving institution, or HSI is a college or university that caters to primarily Hispanic students. According to Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, in order for an HSI to receive federal funding it must satisfy the following criteria:[1]

  • Cannot be for-profit
  • Must offer at least two-year academic programs that lead to a degree
  • Must be accredited by an agency or association recognized by the secretary of education
  • Must have high enrollment of needy students
  • Must have low-average education expenditures

In addition, to be recognized as a Hispanic-serving institution, a school must

  • Have at least 25 percent Hispanic undergraduate full-time-equivalent student enrollment
  • Provide assurances that no less than 50 percent of its Hispanic students are low-income individuals and first-generation college students

in addition to meeting requirements on expenditures.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Title III, Section 312, HEA
  2. ^ US Department of Education, 1997a