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HISK (Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten) Flanders, Belgium [1]

The HISK (Higher Institute of Fine Arts) organizes the postgraduate education in Flanders in the field of the visual arts. It provides some thirty young artists from Belgium and abroad with a studio of their own, for a duration of two years. At the HISK the emphasis lies mainly on individual practise, with an international focus. The visiting lecturers are crucial. Artists, curators, critics and theoreticians pay individual studio visits at regular intervals. There are also frequent visits to significant art events, and readings and workshops are organised.

Until this year the institution has been based in the city of Antwerp, but plans are to move to the nearby city of Ghent in 2007. The new site is opposite the prominent contemporary art museum SMAK and will be an important new venue for contemporary art in Flanders.

Many of the artists who have graduated from this institution are active both within Belgium and internationally, taking part in exhibitions within institutions such as the MuKHA (Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen), Antwerp, the BOZAR-PMSK (The Palace of Fine Arts), Brussels and other important contemporary art spaces in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Graduates include: Gert Aertsen ,Plinio Avila, Stephan Balleux, Charif Benhelima, Stefaan Dheedene, Peter De Cupere, Erki Devries, Bas De Wit, Elizabeth Haines, Beatrijs Lauwaert, Adam Leech, Dominique Leroy, Charlotte Lybeer, Ives Maes, Vincent Meessen, Chris Musgrave, Nicolas Provost, Bart Stolle, Pal Szacsvai, Tom Tosseyn, Pieter Vermeersch, Peter Weidenbaum