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Hipparete (Greek: Ἱππαρέτη) was the the daughter of Hipponicus, a wealthy Athenian. She was married to the prominent Athenian statesman and general Alcibiades.

According to Plutarch, who is however criticized for using "implausible or unreliable stories" in order to construct Alcibiades' portrait,[1] Alcibiades "gave a box on the ear to Hipponicus, whose birth and wealth made him a person of great influence." This action received much disapproval, since it was "unprovoked by any passion of quarrel between them". To smooth the incident over, Alcibiades went to Hipponicus's house and, after stripping naked, "desired him to scourge and chastise him as he pleased". Hipponicus not only pardoned him but also bestowed upon him the hand of his daughter.[2]

According to another version of thes story also exposed by Plutarch, it was not Hipponicus, but Callias, his son, who gave Hipparete to Alcibiades, with a dowry of ten talents; "and that afterwards, when she became a mother, Alcibiades exacted another ten talents besides, on the plea that this was the agreement, should children be born. And Callias was so afraid of the scheming of Alcibiades to get his wealth, that he made public proffer to the people of his property and house in case it should befall him to die without lineal heirs."[2]

According to Plutarch Hipparete loved her husband, but she once attempted to divorce him, because Alcibiades consorted courtesans. According to Plutarch, on her appearing publicly to support her plea for divorce to the magistrate, as the law required, "Alcibiades came up and seized her and carried her off home with him through the market place, no man daring to oppose him or take her from him". She lived with him until her death and gave birth to probably two children, a daughter and a son, also named Alcibiades.[2]

[edit] Citations

  1. ^ D. Gribble, Alcibiades and Athens, 30
  2. ^ a b c Plutarch, Alcibiades, 8
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