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HINOIRI (初日の入り meaning “Sunset”) were a mercenary organization in Japanese folklore located in Bhutan, South Asia. The merciless organization was known for their deadly missions and relentless force in their efforts to rid the country of monarchism and its tyrannical king.


[edit] Rebellion In Bhutan

Long ago on a festive night (“the day of the blue moon” in Japanese) rebel leaders had gathered any able bodied citizen soldiers to fight Jigme Singye Wangchuk’s imperial guard soldiers in efforts to overthrown the tyrant king. However due to lack of skill, equipment and being outnumbered 40000 to 2000, the rebels were defeated in substantial amounts. With only a few hundred soldiers left the rebels fled east where they encountered the HINOIRI. Not much was known about the HINOIRI at the time except for the fact they were a group of 10 deadly mercenaries who assassinated the former tyrant king of Burma and overthrew his ruthless government freeing the people of Burma. The rebels asked the HINOIRI for help in the war against Jigme’s army and the HINOIRI complied. Soon Jigme was overthrown and the people under his rule were freed just like in Burma.

[edit] The HINOIRI

HINOIRI are a small dangerous group of 10 mercenaries that have each mastered many different weapons and skills which they use to devastate and dominate their enemies.


It has been said that their leader is the most deadly of the group being able to kill an estimate of 50 soldiers a minute. The leader has been said to use a bow and arrows as a weapon. Other than being the most deadly mercenary in the group and the most skilled, this HINOIRI is known for his ruthless torturing of enemy general’s and other high rank enemies. The leader of the HINOIRI has the most accurate aim and the sharpest vision being able to kill a moving target from over 200 feet away shooting at a speed of an arrow per second and at a skill of 3 arrows per shot.

Twin Katanas

The mercenary that uses these weapons is said to be the second deadliest HINOIRI which may explain why he might team with the leader on most missions. This mercenary uses skill and precision in his battles and uses his quick speed and deadly blades to inflict fatal damage at fast rates.


This large short distance weapon with the metal blade at the end makes it an ideal weapon for the mercenary who wields this weapon. With the 360 degree rotation this mercenary can kill all enemies surrounding him with ease.


Also being a large short distance weapon may be why the mercenary who wields this usually teams up with the halberd wielding mercenary. The staff with two large pommels on both sides makes it an ideal blunt weapon useful for cracking skulls, bones and limbs within a 360 degree range.

War Hammer

The mercenary who uses this near-uncarriable weapon is said to be the most powerful and the largest mercenary in the group possessing strength of up to 20 men. With this large weapon this mercenary can inflict massive amounts of damage to objects and people with ease killing his enemies instantly. He can also break through large brick walls and other barriers with ease using his massive power.

Triple Scythe

This weapon is perhaps the most grim and evil weapon which may be why the mercenary who wields this has been referred to as the “grim reaper”. This powerful weapon capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage may be why the mercenary who wields this usually teams up with the war hammer wielding mercenary. This weapon can cut a man into three sections with one swipe. The mercenary who uses this weapon is also known to slash the faces of live enemies using this triple-bladed weapon.

Giga Sabre

This enormous blade can kill many enemies at once with one single swipe. This mercenary is known for cutting his opponents into pieces and severing the limbs and other body parts of his enemies. The mercenary that wields this uses his skill as a master swordsman and his raw power to inflict fatal damage to any enemy who foolishly comes within his range.

Metal Whip

This metal whip, nearly 10 feet in length with three sharp metal hooks at the end is ideal for killing enemies in large amounts at once which is why the mercenary that wields this usually teams with the giga sabre wielding mercenary. This mercenary can also steal opponent’s weapons with a quick swing of the whip which leaves them defenseless. This vicious whip travels at incredible speeds killing anyone within its path. The mercenary that wields this is also known to tear at the faces of live enemies with this whip similar to the triple scythe wielding mercenary.


The mercenary who uses daggers is highly skilled and very agile. He is very precise and accurate when throwing or stabbing with daggers which have fatal consequences for his enemies. He is known to carry dozens of daggers and is usually never in short supply. This mercenary usually goes on infiltrating missions which do not involve much killing in order to obtain information about the enemy and in order to report enemy locations to fellow mercenaries.


This is another infiltrating mercenary which may explain why he is always teaming with the dagger carrying mercenary. This mercenary is very clever and is said to be the leader’s top strategist. He uses smoke bombs to avoid or distract enemies. He can also cause a lot of destruction with his fire bombs. But he is best known for his poison bombs which he uses to kill large amounts of enemies slowly and painfully.

[edit] HINOIRI Missions

The HINOIRI continually carried out infiltration and battle missions in order to obtain a victory. The missions are usually carried out in groups of 2 according to skill and status but there are times when all 10 mercenaries will all fight at once. The number of mercenaries depends on the type of mission. All missions are issued by the leader of the HINOIRI.

[edit] References

Taken directly from the japenese folklore book "Kai Furui"(Ancient Stories).