Hinduism in Hungary

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[edit] Hinduism in Hungary

Hinduism is a Minor religion in Hungary. The Vaishnava Hindu Society, ISKCON runs the Bhaktivedanta Theological College in Hungary. The Hungary government has donated a building for Bhaktivedanta Theological College.

Krishna devotees first appeared in Hungary at the end of the 1970s, but only in the second wave of the mission, in the mid 1980s, did a viable community develop. Since 1989 the Community of the Hungarian Krishna conscious devotees (from now on HSKCON or Hare Krishnas) is a registered religion in Hungary. At their incorporation they registered 50 persons. By 1993, half of the Hungarian population had heard of them.

The Parliament resolved that Hare Krishnas, Jehovah's Witnesses, The Hungarian Church of Scientology and the Unification Church that HSKCON being 'destructive sects', would not get government support.

In March 1994, the Parliament voted for governmental support of HSKCON and, by this, they withdrew the judgement of HSKCON as 'destructive' and recognised its religious life and charitable work

[edit] Hare Krishnas in Hungary

The leaders of HSKCON mention 8,000-12,000 devotees live in Hungary. According to Tamas Barabas (one of the leaders of the HSKCON), 190-200 live in temples, 700-900 practise their religion seriously, on the four festivals 9,000-10,000 persons gave their names, many of whom go to different Krishna programmes. Amongst them, the number of followers and non-followers, regular and less-regular practitioners is unknown.

Sivarama Swami is one of the Prominent Krishna Follower.

[edit] Hare Krishnas Centres in Hungary

Hare Krishnas have eight centres in Hungary.

Centre 1- Budapest, Lehel u.15 - 17., 1039

Centre 2- Bhaktivedanta College, Andrassy ut 53. I.em.1., 1062

Centre 3- Govinda Restaurant, Vigyazo Ferenc utca 4; 1051

Centre 4- Debrecen, Peterfia u.57. 4026

Centre 5- Eger, Szechenyi u. 64, 3300

Centre 6- Kecskemet, Felsocsalanos 116., 6000, Kecskemet 6001, Pf. 546

Centre 7- Pecs, Damjanich u. 22, 7624

Centre 8- Rural Communtity at Somogyvamos, Krsna-volgy, Fo u. 38, 8699

[edit] Yoga in Daily Life

Yoga in Daily Life has 7 Centres in Hungary.

Centre 1- Jozsefvarosi Sport Club - Budapest,Baross u. 121, 1089 Budapest

Centre 2- Érdi Jógaegyesület,Yoga Society Érd,Fátyolvirág u. 27 2030 Érd

Centre 3- Yoga Association of Debrecen,Jeriko u. 14.V./31,4032 Debrecen

Centre 4- Om Guru Deep Jógaegyesület - Mezotúr,Szabadsag ter 17, 5400 Mezötur

Centre 5- Békéscsabai Jóga A Mindennapi Eletben Egyesület, Kazinczy ltp.7/C II.em.6, 5600 Békéscsaba

Centre 6- Yoga In Daily Life Society, Árvíz utca 36, 6724 Szeged

Centre 7- OM Vishwa Guru Deep Hindu Mandir,Bokréta u. 29. Fsz/2.

[edit] Brahma Kumaris Centres in Hungary

Brahma Kumaris has 4 Centres in Hungary

Centre 1- Main Centre- Budafoki ut 20. fsz/4, Budapest 1111

Centre 2- 1173 Rakoskeresztur, Ujlak utca 58, Budapest

Centre 3- Furedi ut. 49/a, II/8, Debrecen 4032

Centre 4- Petofi Sandor utca 3, Komlo 7300

[edit] Links