Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh

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Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (हिंदू स्वयमसेवक संघ; Organisation of Hindu Volunteers) is a socio-religious public organization that engages in community activities, social services and religious work amongst the adherents of Hinduism across the world.

It is an inspiration of the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which confines its work to India, the home of 900 million Hindus. HSS and RSS are administratively and financially independent of each other. Though, RSS leaders are often invited by HSS for promotional and speaking tours. HSS borrows heavily from the RSS methodology, including Shakha concept.

The HSS's main mission is to bring scattered, immigrant Hindu communities together, in celebration of Indian culture, and Hindu religious values and principles. They also aim to advocate against the defamation and mistreatment of the Hindu people. HSS attempts to increase awareness, participation and pride amongst young Hindus born outside India, and supports a wide network of temples, religious festivals and community activities.

The HSS is the largest in North America and United Kingdom, and is also spread out in the Caribbean, East and Southern Africa and South East Asia. There are approximately 75 shakhas (or branches) across the UK and 100 in US, with an average weekly attendance of 2000. Unlike shakhas in India, where they are held daily, shakha in the UK & US are held weekly. This is reflective of the culture and way of life in those places.

This year, HSS USA is organizing grand gathering of Hindus throughout US in the programs called Hindu Sangam, throughout the month of September.

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[edit] See also