Himalayan learning

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Himalayan Learning is a UK registered charity and can be found at www.himalayanlearning.org.


[edit] History

Established in January 2002 and formally registered in 2004, Himalayan Learning supports many schools in the Himalaya, sponsors children in school, and runs a range of projects.

It was originally founded on the basis of putting children into school that had not had the chance to attend. Since then it has evolved into a community support organisation with a focus on education. It has also published several notable texts including an award-winning DVD published in 2005 about the plight of children in the Himalaya.

[edit] Area

The Himalaya is in need of a large amount of help and growth from within. 75% of girls and 25% of boys never attend school [1] of those that do, 75% never get more than 2 years of education. Out of 100 girls that start primary level school, only one will complete to age 16 in secondary school.

Nepal has the lowest number of nurses per 100,000 people, about 7% of children will never reach their 5th birthday, and 5 in a 1000 women die in child birth [2].

[edit] Society

It may seem like education is pointless in a society that is largely feudal and full of peasants that use traditional methods to farm. However, it has been shown that just a few years of education changes lives. Education of girls means that lives are healthier and more fulfilling. Education of prospective entrepreneurs creates the foundations for ideas. Education for women helps to protect them from discrimination.

Every extra year of education raises on average, incomes by 20% [3].

[edit] Activities

Concentrating on the 75% of girls that have never had the opportunity to go to school, and the 25% of boys, Himalayan Learning supports education and enables children to make good use of the opportunity. 100% of all donations go to the projects stated, and there is a 0% administration cut.

HL also tries to promote local cultures and traditions and if something is available that is local, make use of it.

[edit] DVD Publication

In 2005, Himalayan Learning directed, shot and published a film that was released on DVD. The film won an award in a Leeds showing and has been shown around the world to various groups.

Subtitled in English, the film looked at the meaning of poverty in the context of contemporary ideas around having nothing. The film was released in 2005.

[edit] Successes

Past projects have included:

  • local women's weaving groups
  • school empowerment projects
  • dalit enablement projects
  • pro-girl education workshops

And Himalayan Learning currently supports:

  • over 400 children
  • 15+ schools
  • 200 family groups
  • lots of mini-enterprises

[edit] Notes and references