Hilde Benjamin

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Hilde Benjamin (February 5, 1902 in BernburgApril 18, 1989 in Berlin; née Hilde Lange) was an East German judge and minister of justice. She is best known for presiding over a series of political show trials in the 1950s.

Hilde Benjamin studied law in Berlin, Heidelberg and Hamburg from 1921 to 1924. Afterwards, she worked as a practicing attorney in Berlin-Wedding for the Rote Hilfe, a Communist aid organization. In 1926 she married Georg Benjamin, the brother of writer Walter Benjamin, and in 1927 she joined the Communist Party. Forbidden to practice law after 1933, she worked for the Soviet trade association in Berlin. During World War II, she was forced to work in a factory from 1939-45. Her Jewish husband was killed at the KZ Mauthausen in 1942.

After the war, she joined the SED in 1946 and was vice president of the Supreme Court of the GDR from 1949 to 1953. In that capacity she assisted with the Waldheim Trials and presided over a series of show trials against political undesirables, such as against the Burianek group and Jehovah's Witnesses. Her frequent death verdicts earned her the popular sobriquets "The Red Guillotine" and "Bloody Hilde".

From 1949 to 1967 she was a member of the Volkskammer and 1954 to 1989 a member of the Central Committee of the SED. In 1953 she succeeded Max Fechner as minister of justice. GDR leader Walter Ulbricht asked her to resign in 1967 – ostensibly for health reasons, in reality because the Politburo felt that the political fanaticism that characterised her harsh verdicts impeded the GDR's desire for international recognition.

Benjamin was instrumental in authoring the penal code and the code of penal procedure of the GDR. From 1967 to her death she held the chair for the history of the judiciary at the Deutsche Akademie für Staats- und Rechtswissenschaft in Potsdam-Babelsberg.

Benjamin received several awards in the GDR: in 1962 the Fatherland Order of Merit (Vaterländischer Verdienstorden), in 1977 and 1987 the Order of Karl Marx, in 1979 the title of Meritorious Jurist of the DDR (Verdiente Juristin der DDR) and in 1982 the Star of Friendship of Nations.

[edit] Literature

Hilde Benjamin's grave on the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde in Berlin
Hilde Benjamin's grave on the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde in Berlin
  • Andrea Feth, Hilde Benjamin - Eine Biographie, Berlin 1995 ISBN 3-87061-609-1
  • Marianne Brentzel, Die Machtfrau Hilde Benjamin 1902-1989, Berlin 1997 ISBN 3-86153-139-9
  • Heike Wagner, Hilde Benjamin und die Stalinisierung der DDR-Justiz, Aachen 1999 ISBN 3-82655-855-3
  • Heike Amos, Kommunistische Personalpolitik in der Justizverwaltung der SBZ/DDR (1945-1953) : Vom liberalen Justizfachmann Eugen Schiffer über den Parteifunktionär Max Fechner zur kommunistischen Juristin Hilde Benjamin, in: Gerd Bender, Recht im Sozialismus : Analysen zur Normdurchsetzung in osteuropäischen Nachkriegsgesellschaften (1944/45-1989), Frankfurt am Main 1999, Seiten 109 - 145. ISBN 3465027973
  • Zwischen Recht und Unrecht - Lebensläufe deutscher Juristen, Justizministerium NRW 2004, S. 144 - 146

[edit] External links

NAME Benjamin, Hilde
DATE OF BIRTH February 5, 1902
PLACE OF BIRTH Bernburg (Saale)
DATE OF DEATH April 18, 1989
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