Talk:Highland Railway Drummond 0-4-4T Class

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This article, like the one on the Railway itself, is very poorly written. Statements such as "get very little mention" (why? because the writer cannot find any? there must have been an article in Railway Magazine at the time when a new loco is built) and the words "obviously intended for working branch lines ...." and "it is not known how many were built" can hardly be of much help to a reader. As to the latter statement, the article itself, which looks as if it were taken from an Ian Allen loco list (I have one in front of me!) gives the numbers in BR days as 15051 and 15053, explaining the cryptic note "the numbering of survivors ... " but the article itself in the previous paragraph shows there to have been #25 and #46: if the BR numbering added 150 to the numbers, logic suggests a much larger number than two, surely? Peter Shearan 18:12, 22 July 2006 (UTC)

15051 and 15053 were their LMS Nos. BR added 40000 to most LMS Numbers and these became 55051 and 55053. See [1]. I'd be very surprised if the research hasn't been done and published, but it'll be in books that I don't have. — Dunc| 20:45, 22 July 2006 (UTC)
You need to find someone with Highland Railway Locomotives - Vol 2 - The Drummond, Smith & Cumming Classes by J.R.H Cormack and J.L Stevenson ISBN 090111572xDunc| 13:08, 23 July 2006 (UTC)