High Huts of the White Mountains

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Greenleaf Hut on the shoulder of Mount Lafayette
Greenleaf Hut on the shoulder of Mount Lafayette

The High Huts of the White Mountains are a series of eight alpine huts in the White Mountains, owned and maintained by the Appalachian Mountain Club and modeled after similar huts in the Alps. They are positioned at intervals along the Appalachian Trail, allowing "thru-hikers" (those who hike the entire Appalachian Trail) to benefit from their services. They are generally separated by six to eight miles, or a day's leisurely hike. Hikers can reserve overnight bunks at the huts, which hold from 36 to 90 people each. Seven of the eight huts are considered to be "full service", serving dinner and breakfast. The last is "self service", allowing guests to cook their own food in the hut's kitchen.

The huts are maintained by a team of five to nine caretakers, (affectionately referred to as "the croo"), during the full service seasons. Each crew member works for eleven days on, three days off, during the season, which generally extends from early June to early October. During the eleven working days, they must make four trips back down the mountain to get perishable food and other supplies, carrying loads as heavy as 100 pounds (45 kg) back up. At the beginning of each season, fuel and supplies are flown into the huts by helicopter.

Although extremely popular, the huts are also controversial, since they allow thousands of people to enter the back woods and environmentally sensitive areas above tree line. It took four years of effort, including the sort of environmental impact statement more commonly associated with industrial activity, to get the huts' permits renewed by the U.S. Forest Service in 1999.


[edit] Hut histories

[edit] Lonesome Lake Hut

The southernmost hut in the system started out as a fishing camp in 1876, with cabins built by author W.C. Prime. Lonesome Lake officially became part of the AMC hut system in 1929, when the State of New Hampshire bought the land and invited the club to run it as a shelter. It has since become a popular hut for families due to its low altitude and relative ease of ascent. It is notable for being the first hut managed by an all-female croo, in 1979. It is the second lowest hut in the system and is tied with Greenleaf, its closest neighbor, for the fourth highest capacity.


[edit] Greenleaf Hut

Construction on Greenleaf was completed in 1930 and was the first hut project to use a team of burros to carry materials. Greenleaf was also the first hut in the system with running waters and indoor toilets, which symbolized the shift in concept from that of the huts being simple shelters to that of the huts being more of a mountainside hostel. The design on Greenleaf—a central dining room and kitchen flanked by two bunkrooms—became the model for Galehead and Zealend Falls, both constructed within the next year. This hut was also the first to leave behind the stone and masonry construction teqnique utilized by earlier huts. Much of the funding for the construction of the hut came from Colonel Charles Greenleaf, for whom the hut is named. Guests at Greenleaf enjoy spectacular views of Franconia Ridge due to the hut's position on a prominent shoulder of Mount Lafayette. Greenleaf is the third highest hut in the system and is tied with Lonesome Lake Hut for the fourth highest capacity. Lonesome is also the hut's closest southern neighbor, with Galehead Hut to the north.


[edit] Galehead Hut

Construction on Galehead hut began in 1931, using wood from the surrounding trees. It was completed in 1932, along with Zealand Falls Hut, its closest northern neighbor. Originally, the hut used the small space under the front porch to store perishable foods. In 1938, the hut gained a temporary 360 degree view when a hurricane blew over all the surrounding trees. The building itself survived the storm, but it could not last indefinitely—in June 2000, a brand-new Galehead opened to the public. The new hut included provisions to make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act including a wheelchair ramp, even though it is five miles (eight kilometers) by a rough trail from the nearest trailhead. The modifications cost the Appalachian Mountain Club $50,000 on top of the the hut's $400,000 construction cost. In 2000, three wheelchair-bound "hikers" made it, in twelve hours, to the hut. Still, many view the ADA-compliant design as foolish, with some saying that if the disabled users could make it up a five mile, rough trail they could haul themselves up the steps in to the hut and to the bathroom. [1] As the hut is located nearly 4,000 feet above sea level and five miles from the nearest trailhead, the vast majority of the building materials had to be carried in; thus mainly lightweight materials were utilized. Despite this challenge, new features for the hut included composting toilets (already in use at Mizpah Spring Hut, Carter Notch Hut, and Lonesome Lake Hut), solar panels and a wind vane to produce power with little environmental impact, and the ability to withstand winds up to 125 mph (201 km/h). The latter was accomplished by fastening the foundation to the granite groundrock through drilling and grouting rebar. The hut is located on the rugged Garfield Ridge and is located 0.9 miles from South Twin Mountain and 0.5 miles from Galehead Mountain. The hut is tied with Mizpah Springs Hut for the fourth highest hut and sleeps the second lowest number of people. Greenleaf hut is the closest hut to the south.


[edit] Zealand Falls Hut

Zealand Falls was completed in 1932 along with Galehead and has been open in the winter season since 1973. It, like Lonesome Lake hut, is notable as a "family" hut due to its low altitude and relatively easy approach climb. It also has the lowest capacity of all the huts, sleeping little more than a third of the largest capacity hut. Zealand is neighbored by Galehead to the south and Mizpah Spring to the north.


[edit] Mizpah Spring Hut

Mizpah Spring Hut was originally built in 1964, and although there are newer buildings in the system, this makes Mizpah the newest hut site in the system. The building is designed to withstand 200 mph (322 km/h) winds and was built with materials brought in by helicopter. This hut is tied with Galehead Hut for the fourth highest hut and sleeps the second largest amount of people. Its immediate neighbor to the south is Zealand Falls Hut, and its immediate neighbor to the north is Lakes of the Clouds hut.


[edit] Lakes of the Clouds Hut

The highest, largest, and most popular hut in the system started as a shelter built in 1901 in response to the deaths in the previous year of two hikers caught in a storm on their way to an AMC meeting atop Mount Washington. 14 years later it was rebuilt as a hut, and has since been renovated at least five times—in 1922, 1927, 1947, 1969 and 2005. Despite its position as the highest of the huts, it is also the most easily accessible due to its proximity to the summit of Mount Washington, accessible both by car and by the Mount Washington Cog Railway, a popular tourist attraction. It is located adjacent to its namesake Lakes of the Clouds—two small alpine tarns—and just below the 5,372' summit of Mount Monroe The hut is the largest of the AMC chain: It provides bunks for 90 hikers. Because of its size and popularity, it is known as "Lakes of the Crowds." Mizpah Spring Hut is the closest hut to the south and Madison Spring is the closest hut to the north.


[edit] Madison Spring Hut

Madison Spring Hut, built in 1888, is both the oldest hut site in the chain and the oldest hut site in the United States. The first overnight guests stayed in the winter of 1889, and in 1906 a fee was instituted to utilize the shelter—50 cents per night. The original hut was expanded in that same year, as well as 1911, 1922, and 1929. However, in 1940, a fire—caused by the ignition of gasoline for the gasoline-electric power generator—destroyed much of the hut. The following year it was rebuilt and re-opened. It is the second highest hut in the chain, and sleeps the third highest number of guests. To the south is Lakes of the Clouds Hut and to the north is Carter Notch Hut. 12

[edit] Carter Notch Hut

Carter Notch Hut is the most northerly hut in the system and is open year-round, though it always operates on a self service basis. The site's use as a shelter began in 1904 as a simple log cabin; the building was rebuilt as a hut in 1914, making Carter Notch the oldest building in the hut chain. There are two bunkhouses located a short distance from the main hut structure; thus from the cliffs above, the hut is viewed as a small compound. There are two small ponds located nearby, as well as a tremendous boulder field. Both are results of an 1869 landslide that ravaged nearby Carter Dome's north slopes. Carter Notch helped establish the hut as a viable pursuit for the AMC, and after its initial success, the group began to lay plans for a hut system. Currently, a nearby cave is used to store cheese, butter, and other perishables. It has both the third lowest altitude and the third lowest capacity of any hut. Its closest southern neighbor is Madison Spring Hut.


[edit] Comparison of huts

Hut Location Elevation Capacity Sleeping Arrangement 2005 Season Dates
Carter Notch Hut
Carter Notch
3,288 feet
Coed bunkrooms for four to six people
Self service year-round
Galehead Hut
Edge of Pemigewasset Wilderness Area
3,800 feet
Four coed bunkrooms
Self service May 13–29, Full service June 1 – October 15
Greenleaf Hut
Mount Lafayette
4,200 feet
Two coed bunkrooms
Self service May 13–29, Full service June 1 – October 15
Lakes of the Clouds Hut
Southern shoulder of Mount Washington
5,050 feet
Coed bunkrooms
Full service June 1 – September 17
Lonesome Lake Hut
Cannon Mountain
2,760 feet
Two bunkhouses - coed rooms for four to six people
Self service January 1 – May 29 and October 16 – December 31, Full service June 1 – October 15
Madison Spring Hut
Col between Mount Madison and Mount Adams
4,800 feet
Two coed bunkrooms
Full service June 1 – September 17
Mizpah Spring Hut
Mount Pierce (often referred to as Mount Clinton)
3,800 feet
Coed bunkrooms for four to eight people
Self service May 13–29, Full service June 1 – October 15
Zealand Falls Hut
Zealand Notch
2,700 feet
Two coed bunkrooms
Self service January 1 – May 29 and October 16 – December 31, Full service June 1 – October 15

[edit] External links