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/* No fundraising, "From wikipedia", boring navigation */ #fundraising, #siteSub, li#n-recentchanges, li#n-randompage { display: none; } /* No logo, move the boxes onto that area instead */ #p-logo { display: none } #column-one { padding-top: 3ex; } /* No uninteresting languages */ #p-lang li { display: none; } li.interwiki-no, li.interwiki-nb, li.interwiki-nn, li.interwiki-da, li.interwiki-sv, li.interwiki-de, li.interwiki-en { display: list-item !important; } /* No footer, except "last modified" */ #footer li, #f-poweredbyico, #f-copyrightico { display: none; } #footer li#lastmod { display: list-item !important; list-style: none; } #footer { border: 0; padding: 0; text-align: right; background-color: inherit; color: #5a3696; } /* Green personal toolbar, no user icon */ #p-personal a:link, #p-personal a:visited { color: #006633; } li#pt-userpage { background: none; } /* Scrollbar on pre sections instead of ugly cutoff/overlap in firefox */ pre { overflow: auto; } /* Some round corners, supported by moz/firefox/other gecko browsers */ #p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.8em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.8em; } #content, #footer { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.8em; } div.pBody { -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.8em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0.8em; } /* More round corners - but see User:EricPoehlsen/monobook.css */ .infobox, .messagebox, .usermessage, #toc, #catlinks, #shortcut { -moz-border-radius: 0.8em; } /* Circle lists in round boxes -- why doesn't this work? */ #p-navigation li, #p-tb li, #p-lang li { list-style-type: disc !important; }