Talk:Heymann Steinthal

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[edit] 1911 version

STEINTHAL, HEYMANN (1823-1899), German philosopher and philologist, was born at Grobzig in Anhalt on the 16th of May 1823. He read philosophy and philology at the university of Berlin, where he graduated in 1850. From 1852 to 1855 he studied Chinese (language and literature) in Paris, and in 1863 became extraordinary professor of philology at Berlin. In his philosophic theories he sympathized with Moritz Lazarus, in conjunction with whom he founded in 1859 the Zeitschrift fr Volkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Like Lazarus and the Herbartian school in general, he attached supreme value to psychology, and especially to the psychology of society, the study of which, combined with comparative philology, alone could give trustworthy results. In philology he was an admirer and disciple of Wilhelm von Humboldt, on whose methods he wrote several books.

His principal works are Der Ursprung der Sprache isa Zusammenhang mit den letzten. Fragen alles Wissens (1851; 4th ed., 1888); Kiassification der Sprachen (1850); Charakteristik der hauptsachlichen Tyfien des Sprachbaues (1860); Die Entwickelung der Schrift (1852); Grammatik, Logik, Psychologie, ihre Prinzipien, &c. (1885); Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft bei den Griechen und Roemern (1863; 2nd ed., 1889-1891); Die Mande-Negersprachen, psychologisch und phonetisch betrachtet (1867); Abriss der Sprachwissenschaft (2nd ed., 1881); Ailgemeine Ethik (1880); Zu Bibel und Religionsphilosophie (1890 and 1895). His books on von Humboldt appeared in 1848, 1864 and 1867, and in 1884 he published an edition of his works.