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I must've been on something when I created this username, but it comes from Zell Dincht of Final Fantasy VIII. He is my favourite playable character in battle sequences from the game because of his superior Limit Break. [rant] Some may say that Squall's pwns harder, but his final move only occurs occasionally whereas with Zell, I can use My Final Heaven every time he has a Limit Break in addition to the infliction of 9999 damage per quarter of a second to the enemy after Meltdown is casted. With this formula, I took down Omega Weapon in just a couple of turns... with a sweet 25-second Duel. *grin* [/rant]

The reason for "Hetero" being a part of my username is that it is strongly hinted in the game that Zell is homosexual. I don't want others to think that I'm calling myself gay (I'm straight), hence the addition of this colloquialism.

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