
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I am fairly new to the wonderful world of wikipedia (yay for alliteration!), so if I do something wrong I apologize in advance. So now for a "small" bit of insight into me;
- My name, Hesper42, somes from two of my favorite works of fiction. The first is the Young Wizards series and The Hesper is the version of the Lone power that never created entropy and the second part of my name comes from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and is the ultimate answer, the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.
- Currently('06-'07) I am a sophomore in high school in upstate New York
- I absolutely love to read and I am especially fond of fantasy and science fiction and some of my favorite books are the Dune (novel) books, Wicked, the His Dark Materials trilogy and A Song of Ice and Fire series by George.R.R.Martin
- I absolutely despise the books; Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, which I had to read for my AP global class and "Ibn Battuta; a Muslim travelor"