Hermann von François

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General der Infanterie Hermann von François, commander of I Korps at the Battle of Tannenberg, 1914.
General der Infanterie Hermann von François, commander of I Korps at the Battle of Tannenberg, 1914.

Hermann von François (January 31, 1856May 15, 1933) was a German General der Infanterie during World War I, and is best known for his key role in several German victories on the Eastern Front in 1914.

[edit] Early Life - Military Career

Born 31 January 1856 in Luxembourg to a noble family of Huguenot extraction, von François was exposed to a military life from an early age. His father Bruno von François was a Prussian General and commander of the 27. (Preußische) Infanterie-Brigade. He was killed in action leading his men during the Battle of Spicheren on 6 August 1870, only a few days before the Battle of Sedan.

Von François, who had enrolled as an officer cadet, was by 1875 based in Potsdam as Leutnant of the 1.Garde-Regiment zu Fuß. From 1884 - 87, he attended the Military Academy at Berlin, and by 1889 had been promoted to Hauptmann and had joined the General Staff.

By the early 1890s, von François was posted to the XV.Armeekorps as a general staff officer based in Strasbourg. After a brief stint as company commander in 151. Infanterie-Regiment of the 31.Division, von François devoted all his energies to the General Staff. In 1894 he was promoted to major and transferred to the 8. Division in Mannheim. By 1899, von François was the Chief of Staff for the IV. Armeekorps, commanded by Generaloberst Paul von Hindenburg and based in Magdeburg.

In 1901, von François's mother, Marie took the family to German South-West Africa to follow her youngest son, Hugo von François who was a Hauptmann in the Colonial Army. The family was based in the region during the Herero Wars, in which Hugo fought. von François' other brother, Kurt von François, was a well known scientist and researcher specialising in Africa.

In 1908, von François was promoted to Generalmajor and placed in command of the Hessischen-Brigade in Darmstadt. Von François was promoted to Generalleutnant in 1911 and given command of the 13. Division for a brief period before his promotion to General der Infanterie and posting to command of I. Armeekorps under the 8. Armee based in Königsberg.

[edit] World War I

Von François began the war stationed in the province of East Prussia, where he was commander of the I Corps of the German Eighth Army. His task was to defend the easternmost regions of East Prussia against a Russian attack directed at the key city of Königsberg. The Eighth Army would be expected to hold out against significantly larger Russian forces until it could be reinforced by troops coming from the west after the expected quick defeat of France, in accordance with the Schlieffen Plan, which would guide German forces in the opening phase of a war in which Germany faced both France and Russia.

When war broke out in August 1914, von François' corps faced the right wing of a two-pronged Russian invasion of East Prussia, led by Pavel Rennenkampf's Russian First Army. On August 17, the overall German theatre commander, General Maximilian von Prittwitz, nervously eyeing the advance of the Russian left wing far to the south, ordered Von François to retreat while under heavy attack from Rennenkampf.

Von François, reluctant to surrender any of his beloved Prussia, and naturally pugnacious, also felt breaking off while engaged would be deadly, and so he ignored Prittwitz' order, responding with the famous reply "General von François will withdraw when he has defeated the Russians!" He counterattacked Rennenkampf's massive army, bringing on the Battle of Stalluponen, and won a surprising victory while inflicting 5,000 casualties and taking 3,000 prisoners.

After winning the battle, von François obeyed Prittwitz's order and withdrew 15 miles to the west, where three days later he fought Rennenkampf to a draw at the Battle of Gumbinnen. Von François' aggressiveness resulted in the cautious Rennenkampf halting his advance westward.

Following that battle and a change of overall commanders (Prittwitz was judged to have lost his nerve by the German High Command), von François' corps was transferred by rail to the southwest, to confront the Russian Second Army advancing into southern East Prussia under the command of General Alexander Samsonov. Although not trusted by the new German commanders Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff due to his previous disobedience, von François played the decisive role in the upcoming Battle of Tannenberg (1914). On August 27, von François attacked the lead elements of Samsonov's army and began to make steady advances into their rear. Ludendorff, fearing a Russian counterattack by Rennenkampf, now ordered him to break off the advance. However, Von François twice ignored his direct orders and played a decisive role in the following encirclement and defeat of Samsonov's army.

When Hindenburg and Ludendorff went south to lead the 9th Army in Russian Poland, von François remained with his corps in East Prussia and led it with much success. When general von Schubert, the new commander of the 8th Army, ordered him to retreat, he dispatched a telegram to the OHL describing his success and stating "the Commander is badly counselled." The telegram impressed the Kaiser so much that he immediately relieved Schubert and, on 3rd October, gave von François the command of the 8th Army. Not long did he hold it. When Hindenburg and Ludendorff prepared their counter-attack from Thorn in the direction of Lodz, von François was reluctant to send the requested I Corps, sending badly trained and ill-equipped XXV Reserve Corps instead. That was too much for his superiors. In early November 1914 von François was removed and replaced by general Otto von Below.

After some time spent "on the shelf", von François received the command of the XLI Reserve Corps, which he led for the remainder of the war. He continued to distinguish himself. He won the Pour le Merite, Germany's highest military decoration, in May 1915 for his performance in the breakthrough at Gorlice, and had the Oak Leaves attached to it in July 1917, for outstanding performance during the Battle of Verdun.

After the war ended, he returned home and wrote several books on military history, including the best-seller (in Germany) Marneschlacht und Tannenberg in 1920.

While alive, von François was well known for his French-sounding name, which was seemingly incongruous with his service to Germany.

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