Herman Heijermans

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Herman Heijermans (Dec 3, 1864, RotterdamNov 22, 1924, Zandvoort)), was a Dutch writer.

Heijermans grew up in a liberal Jewish family as the fifth of 11 children of Herman Heijermans Sr. and Matilda Moses Spiers. In the Amsterdam Handelsblad he published a series of sketches of Jewish family life under the pseudonym of Samuel Falkland, which were collected in volume form. His novels and tales include Trinette (1892), Fles (1893), Kamertjeszonde (2 vols, 1896), Interieurs (1897), Diamantstad (2 vols, 1903). He created great interest by his play Op Hoop van Zegen (1900), represented at the Théâtre Antoine in Paris, and in English by the Stage Society as The Good Hope.

His other plays are: Dora Kremer (1893), Ghetto (1898), Het zevende Gebod (1899), Het Pantser (1901), Ora et labora (1901), and numerous one-act pieces. A Case of Arson, an English version of the one-act play Brand in de Jonge Jan, was notable for the impersonation (1904 and 1905) by Henri de Vries of all the seven witnesses who appear as characters.

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