Herigonius (crater)

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Crater characteristics
Coordinates 13.3° S, 34.0° W
Diameter 15 km
Depth 2.1 km
Colongitude   34° at sunrise
Eponym Pierre Hérigone

Herigonius is a small lunar impact crater that is located in the southern part of the Oceanus Procellarum, to the northeast of Gassendi crater. The Herigonius crater is roughly circular, with an inward bulge and narrower inner wall along the northeast. In the interior of the sloping inner walls is a floor about half the diameter of the crater.

About 60 kilometers to the west of Herigonius crater is a sinuous rille designated Rima Herigonius. This cleft is about 100 kilometers in length and runs generally in a north-south direction, while curving to the east at the north end.

[edit] Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Herigonius crater.

Herigonius Latitude Longitude Diameter
E 13.8° S 35.6° W 7 km
F 15.5° S 35.0° W 5 km
G 15.3° S 32.4° W 3 km
H 17.0° S 33.2° W 4 km
K 12.8° S 36.4° W 3 km

[edit] References

  • See the reference table for the general listing of literature and web sites that were used in the compilation of this page.