Herbert S. Goldstein

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Rabbi Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein, (1890-1970), was a prominent Jewish leader in the United States. He graduated as valedictorian at the (then-more-traditional) Jewish Theological Seminary.

He was the only person in history to have been elected president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the Rabbinical Council of America (first presidium), and the Synagogue Council of America.

Globally, he fought for the survival and transplantation of European Jewry as an activist in the Vaad Hahatzalah and the Agudath Israel.


[edit] Leadership roles

[edit] Fights for Jewish rights

He Led many fights for Jewish rights, beginning with the fight to expose unscrupulous fraudulent “kosher” butchers, and their powerful backers; fought for the rights of the downtrodden, in many social settings and political arenas, including the successful fight for a historic Minimal Wage Law.

[edit] Institutional Synagogue

As the founder of the original Institutional Synagogue in 1917, he was one of the creators of the Jewish Community Center idea, certainly within an Orthodox Jewish setting, where prayer was a major component. The synagogue services came first, and then came the gymnasium and the Olympic-size swimming pool. The Institutional Synagogue, in its prime, served approximately 3000 people a day, and had a roster of 67 clubs. As the founder of the successor West Side Institutional Synagogue, he led one of the most influential Orthodox synagogues in the country during its most influential years.

[edit] Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

As president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (UOJCA) for close to a decade, he led the establishment of national kosher food endorsements, which became the symbol of the O.U., as well as a national organization for college youth (the precursor of Yavneh) and for high school youth (the precursor of the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (the NCSY).

As president of the UOJCA, he played a role in getting Yeshiva University recognized as such by the New York Board of Regents, by guaranteeing its financial viability on behalf of the UOJCA.

[edit] American Religious Palestine Fund

He was president of the Keren Hayishuv, the American Religious Palestine Fund, and of the Save-A-Child Foundation, which evolved into the Homes for Children in Israel;

[edit] National Conference of Christians and Jews

He was co-founder of the National Conference of Christians and Jews;He was one of the leading English-speaking fund-raisers in the Orthodox Jewish community when it was still dominated by Yiddish-speaking foreign born individuals.

[edit] Homiletics

He also headed the homiletics department of the University’s affiliated rabbinical school for decades, guiding virtually the first two generations of America’s leading American-born and educated orthodox rabbis, having joined its staff shortly after he was ordained before World War I, and continuing almost until President Kennedy sent advisers into Vietnam.

His father-in-law, Harry Fischel, was also a reknown Jewish Leader.

[edit] Writings

The primary books authored by Rabbi Goldstein were: Bible Comments for Home Reading (The Five Books of the Chumash, plus the Book of Joshua), Between the Lines of the Bible (on each commandment in the Bible), and a commentary on the Pirkei Avoth (The Ethics of the Fathers).

[edit] Source

Reichel, Rabbi Aaron I., Esq., The Maverick Rabbi -- Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein and the Institutional Synagogue -- "A New Organizational Form" (1984; 2nd edition 1986).