User talk:Henna/VF/Feature requests

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I'm merging some features written by cs:User:Beren, courageous people can get the latest version from svn

request disappeared? Check the Implemented Feature requests


[edit] Requests moved from main page

I put notices on user pages that bugs and requests were moved so that those users could update their watchlists. The names in signed comments were grabbed and user_talk notices posted using AutoWikiBrowser. (Actually, I did this at the same time I moved those sections to new pages, I just forgot to mention it).

—-- That Guy, From That Show! (talk) 2006-03-26 04:22Z

[edit] Import/Export live screen data

Enable export from the Live RC (screen) data to e.g. a CSV file and vice-versa. Reasoning: enables for instance a restart of the PC, without losing hours of history contained in the Live RC screen. Also enables reviewing the list at a later point in time. - RonaldB-nl 17:53, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

will look into it after rewriting the datatier Henna 14:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] IRC auto-reconnect

Auto-reconnect (optional) in case of drop of connection. - RonaldB-nl 17:55, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

will look into it after rewriting the uitier Henna 14:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)

== IRC automatic connect with multipple channels Automaticly connect with multiple channels. So, for instance, if someone wants to check the vandalism of three wiki's, that (s)he shouldn't have to connect three times. (especially usefull for having a track on the smaller wiki's) effeietsanders 09:31, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

will look into it after rewriting the uitier Henna 14:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Localization

Localization (extracting text strings for translation into other languages and automating behavior on non-english Wikis).

part of rewriting uitier Henna 14:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
started working on it, translation is possible as of 3.3 Henna 01:18, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Collaboration features

Collaboration features, e.g. the ability to declare edits 'patrolled' (would probably involve re-injecting some data into another IRC feed). --BrokenArrow 16:02, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

  1. on the top of my head I can see 3 possibilities:
    1. changes in mediawiki, to send out 'marked as patrolled' messages, this requires to have the 'mark as patrolled' flag enabled
    2. sending a message to eg the vandalism ircchannel, this requires some proof of who you are (eg an accound with nickserv or such), send the msg as soon as somebody clicks on the vandalfighterlink, no notice if the programs crash in between opening/sending message and viewing the edit. Sending a msg after the edit requires manual interfacing from user, might therefore not be ideal
    3. touch-edit after the suspicious edit, would make the orginal edit dissapear under the cover of the new edit, might be less then ideal for mediawiki in terms of storagespace.
I personally favour option #2 because it has no impact on the site's configuration and performance. I was thinking about a sort of patrollers' whitelist, people whose advice each VF user would decide (independently) how much to trust. I don't think this would need strong user authentication, though it would be useful. Also, a more customizabile 'scoring' systems to classify edits may be more suited to this approach, rather than the current 'flag-based' system. (this is just an idea, not a "request"...) --BrokenArrow 14:43, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
you'll have to elaborate, I don't quite get what you mean :) (keep in mind, English is only my 3d language :) Henna 14:46, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
I'm sorry, it's the same for me, so we have 6 languages of separation. Wonderful, but tricky! :).
A patrollers' whitelist would be just like an existing list in VF, where I can add "VF users" I trust and give some positive value to their patrolling actions (edit under review, marked as vandalism, marked as good, etc.).
If we want to be sure that "VF user = Wiki user" (cookie-based authentication), we need some support from Wikimedia. Can be done, but I think we can use simple IRC authentication for a start.
For scoring system I meant something like this (using random numbers for now):
Any edit gets + 10 points if it is from anon IP, + 5 if it is a new page + 20 for a blacklisted user; I can then give it -5 points when it is marked "good" by User:Xxx, -10 for User:Zxx, etc. (all in my whitelist). In the end, I can decide which edits do show, and in which color/order, according to their current score. This is not strictly necessary to make collaboration work, but it would be more powerful. Isn't something like this already implemented in order to make 'suspect vandalisms' bold?
--BrokenArrow 17:23, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
yes, it's similar to the system for risk edits, will look into it, but not in the coming month, there's a few things requiring more attention right now (as well, need to think about implementation more :)) Henna 14:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Add new users to temp blacklist?

Is het mogelijk om nieuwe gebruikers automatisch als temp. blacklisted te zetten? effeietsanders 19:32, 7 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Change link in log

Is it possible to change the link in the log:upload (current to the log itself) to the picture? effeietsanders 19:32, 7 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Separate settings for mass text additions and removals

Could the option to 'highlight edits with more than x characters changed' be split into two options: highlight for large removals, and highlight for large additions (as it is much more likely that large removals are vandalism)? Petros471 17:20, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Expansion of regular expressions

Almost as a corollary to the above: what about having customizable "highlight on.." classes, where a user could define a set of regular expressions or other conditions (change in size, anon/registered user, etc.) that would then be displayed in a user-defined colour. The current "highlight" descriptions are great, but would be even more powerful with an expandable and customizable framework. --PeruvianLlama(spit) 05:20, 23 March 2006 (UTC)


I moved the comments into separate sections for easier readability and replying. I came up with the best titles I could think of. The authors of the comments above are encouraged to change the section name their comments are in if they feel a better section description is appropriate.

—-- That Guy, From That Show! (talk) 2006-03-26 04:22Z

[edit] XMPP and Especially Publish-Subscribe

I think this application would benefit from using XMPP, and especially the Jabber Enhancement Protocol Publish-Subscribe. (Note: XMPP is not only intended for instant messaging applications) Summary of what Publish-Subscribe can mean for VF: 1) People register an account on any public Jabber server if they do not yet have one. 2) People enter the account information in VF. 3) People subscribe to a node using VF, for example, "I want to be notified about all edits of page xyz". 4) Someone changes page xyz. 5) The Publish-Subscribe component notifies all, and only people that subscribed to the node of page xyz instantly. 6) The notification can be stored when the user is offline (feature of most Jabber servers). 7) VF will receive all notifications when it connects to the the Jabber account. 8) User X marks the change as "No Vandalism". 9) VF sends this information ("No Vandalism") to the Publish-Subscribe component. The latter sends this information to all node subscribers. 10) People can enable in VF the options "Mark as innocent when <number> people said it was no vandalism" and "Mark as innocent when <number> contacts in my roster said it was innocent" (the idea behind the latter is that you will trust people in your roster more than strangers (=contact list)).

Some other features that can be possible:

  • Creating temporary chatrooms to discuss an edit in which automagically all (online) people with a specific knowledge are invited into. For example, some people published that they know much about Dinosaur related topics. Someone edited the article Utahraptor: "Recently, an escaped Utahraptor killed five people in London.". You get the notification, but as you do not know if that is true are not, you create a temporary room to discuss this edit with Dinosaur specialists. At the same moment, all people with the tag "Dinosaur specialist" are invited to that room. It is important to know in this story that:
    • People do not need VF to announce that they are a Dinosaur specialist.
    • People do not need to have a Wikipedia account.
    • People can use any Jabber client with support for rooms. So, if a Dinosaur specialist is traveling by train, he still can use the Jabber client on his mobile phone to discuss the important issue.
    • Rooms can be anonymous in the Jabber world.
    • Rooms can be logged in the Jabber world.
  • An automatic credit system that values edits of trusted users higher than newbees.
  • Chatting with other Wikipedians. (Note that VF do not need to become a cluttered tool as XMPP allows you to connect to the same account at the same time a) from different clients on the same computer, b) from different clients on different computers. So, people can have VF and the Jabber client of their choice connected to the same account at the same moment.)
I was thinking about something like this, but using the irc protocol. Partially because I already have the irc code in there, partially because there are vandalism channels wich I want to go in vandalfighter as well. It's going to remain at the 'thinking about it' stage a while :). Henna 08:01, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
If Vandal Fighter supports Multi-User Chat (or the old, but compliant groupchat protocol), it also can join IRC channels by using any server-side IRC Transport.NaturalBornKiller 11:42, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Live channel feed (english)

Henna, I have a pgkbot set up on channel #Wikipedia-VandalFighter-en listing some live en.* related changes if you need to test feed connections and such.

—-- That Guy, From That Show! (talk) 2006-04-03 07:29Z

[edit] Add font option

Many impersonation accounts use "I" instead of "l" and other such nonsense that isn't obvious in the current font. Can there be an option somewhere (or maybe a toggle button) to display in Courier font? --Connel MacKenzie 21:45, 8 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removing duplicates in lists (watchlist in particular)

I don't know if it is a serious performance issue, or more likely an esthetic one (I'm a bit Anal Retentive), but I regularly import my watchlist into Vandal Fighter and then "clean up" my watchlist by removing many from the list leaving just my most important ones. At this time, I am watching ~6000 articles with Vandal Fighter but many of the entries have 5+ duplicates because Vandal Fighter, when importing a list, doesn't check to see if the article is already watched. Checking during import isn't necessary, having the watched SORT function (in all lists?) also clear out duplicate entries would be spectacular and I could spend more time sorting my CD collection by color :)

PS: And yes, my spice rack is sorted alphabetically.

Regards, and thanks for your work, —-- That Guy, From That Show! (talk) 2006-04-09 04:29Z
should be possible, but your spicerack needs to be sorted by cuisine rather then alphabettically :) Henna 10:03, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Connection

For the moment, there are both a connect and a disconnect button, but connect is not grayed out when you already are connected. Suggestions:

  • to gray disconnect when connected and vice-versa
  • better yet, have only button that change from connect to disconnect according to the status (like the stop/reload button on Safari)Reply to David Latapie 13:24, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] highlighting suspicious edits

It would be nice if Vandal Fighter had the ability to detect and highlight edits with common characteristics of vandalism. Such characteristics include:

  • removal of large amounts of text (already supported)
  • addition of red-flag words, like "gay"
  • addition of text in all capital letters
  • addition of text with many repeating characters, like "hellloooo" or "hi!!!!!"
  • reversion of Tawkerbot2's edits
  • addition of many external links (to catch spammers)

If Vandal Fighter had this feature, I would be very grateful. --Ixfd64 22:42, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

I'll look into once everything els is working again, there's bandwith issues with some of the suggestions. Henna 15:22, 9 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] SOCKS-Proxy Support

Simple and fast to implement? --Itichy 09:25, 8 August 2006 (UTC) for accessing the recent changes? (link for more explanation would be appreciated :)) Henna 20:06, 9 August 2006 (UTC)

For people behind restrictive firewalls. Some providers (especially universities) don't allow direct internet access. --Tgr 19:06, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Save projects

It would be very nice if you were able to save the projects whose edits you want to watch. Now, you have to connect seperately to each Wiki. Greetings Pill- 18:29, 22 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Clear list below current position

Cut the button in half, and on one button have it clear/above/below (depending on New rows on top) setting. That way a list can be reduced but unchecked new edits will remain. - RoyBoy 800 17:14, 3 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Delayed delete

Sometimes if I click on "clear lists" an edit happens at the same time and is then also deleted. Maybe that button should only delete RCs that are older than let's say one minute or so. Greetings, --Thogo (Talk) 17:41, 12 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Usage with other Wikimedia projects

I would like to use VF on de.wikibooks. What will be necessary to get VF to monitoring the recent changes there? -- b:de:User:Stefan Majewsky @ 15:34, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] German Umlauts

As far as i can see german umlauts are not supported in the Watchlist. -- 12:16, 20 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sneaky Affirm. To Neg. And Vice Versa Edits

Does your tool automatically seek out changes like do > don't or adding 'not' or vice versa? Basically, sneaky changes to change a positive to a negative and negative to a positive? Although there will be some legitimate cases, such changes appearing on their own seem pretty suspect to me. --Seans Potato Business 18:06, 19 February 2007 (UTC)