Henry Stuart Jones

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Sir Henry Stuart Jones (May 15, 1867 - June 29, 1939) was a British academic and fellow of Trinity College, University of Oxford, where he held an appointment from 1920 to 1927 as Camden Professor of Ancient History.

Jones attended the British School at Athens and later served as director of the British School at Rome.

Jones began in 1911 the revision of A Greek-English Lexicon, the standard dictionary of ancient Greek, with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. A preliminary edition was published under the supervision of Jones and McKenzie in 1925, but the completed revision was published by Oxford University Press in 1940 only after both men's deaths. In a preface to the revision, the Press described Jones in these terms:

Sir Henry was the ideal Editor; his wide range of knowledge and his exact scholarship, his persistent devotion to his task even in periods of ill health, his tactful assiduity in consulting experts and his skill in co-ordinating their results, gave the work at once its consistency and its elasticity.

Jones began his relationship with the principality of Wales when, in 1927, he became a candidate for the principalship of the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth. His tenure in Wales would prove to be an enthusiastic one: during his time there, he learned the Welsh language and served on the committees of a number of Welsh institutions, including the council of St David's College, Lampeter, as well as Trinity College, Carmarthen, and the National Library of Wales. He also served as vice-chancellor of the federal University of Wales in 1929 and 1930.

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