Henry I of Cyprus

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Henry I of Cyprus, nicknamed the Fat, aka Henry of Lusignan, Henri de Lusignan (12171253) was King of Cyprus January 10, 1218–1253. He was the son of Hugh I of Cyprus and Alice of Champagne of Jerusalem. The 8-month-old Henry became King of Cyprus upon his father's death in 1218, with his mother acting as regent.

In historical literature, it has been said that the most interesting thing in Henry's reign was his corpulence. This apparently means a surprisingly peaceful, dull and safe period of time. Henry himself served as Regent of Jerusalem for Conrad of Hohenstaufen 12461253.

He was married three times; his third wife, whom he married in 1250, was Plaisance of Antioch, daughter of Bohemund V of Antioch. They had a son, Hugh.

On his death, Henry was succeeded by his only child, his infant son Hugh II (b. 1253). If he had not had children, his heirs were his eldest sister's sons Jean de Brienne (b. 1234) and Hugh of Brienne(b. c. 1240), as well as his younger sister's son Hugh of Antioch, the future Hugh III of Cyprus (b. c. 1235).


  1. Alix of Montferrat (1210/15–1232/33), daughter of William VI of Montferrat, by Bertha da Clavesana
  2. Stephanie of Lampron (c. 1220/25–1249), daughter of Constantine of Lampron, Regent of Armenia, by Stephanie of Barbaron
  3. Plaisance of Antioch (1235–1261), daughter of Bohemond V, Prince of Antioch and Count of Tripoli, by Lucienne de Segni.
Preceded by
Hugh I
King of Cyprus
Succeeded by
Hugh II