Henry Cooper "Coop" Bradshaw

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Henry Cooper "Coop" Bradshaw is a fictional character on the daytime soap opera Guiding Light. He is currently being played by John Driscoll since September 2nd, 2004. He was previously play by Michael Cugno from December 26th, 1996 to early 1997. Christopher & Nicholas Consolo from early 1997 to December 11th, 1998 and Zachary Noll from February 11th, 1999 to July 17th, 2000.


[edit] Character History

[edit] Birth, SORAS

Henry Cooper Bradshaw was born in Christmas 1994 in Rio De Janiero to former jewel thief, Jenna Bradshaw. At the time of her pregnancy, Jenna mistakenly believed that the child's father, Buzz Cooper, was in love with his ex-wife, Nadine. A series of events, as well as Nadine herself, complicated matters and kept the couple apart. Heartbroken, Jenna hid her pregnancy from Buzz and late in her pregnancy left town. A few short weeks after she left, Jenna gave birth to Henry Cooper Bradshaw, whom she named after her dear friend, and father-figure, Henry Chamberlain. Believing "Henry" to be a rather grown up name for such a little boy, she started calling him by the nickname, "Coop." A full two years later, 1996, Jenna and Coop would return to Springfield. In early 1997, Jenna finally admitted to Buzz that Coop was his son and after the couple were able to send Jenna's treacherous ex-lover, Jeffrey Morgan to prison, and after they dealt with Buzz's secret admirer and subsequent amnesia, the star-crossed couple were finally able to marry in mid 1998. Tragically, mere months after the Cooper family was complete, Jenna lost her life in a car crash, leaving Buzz to care for Coop and his little brother, Ian Stavros (Rocky) Cooper. In 1999, Coop and Rocky were two of the children kidnapped by the mentally unstable Holly Reade, though luckily they were rescued by Josh and Reva Lewis. As the year wore on, it was obvious that Coop still had not come to terms over his mother's death, since months after her death, he'd still wake up at night asking for her. Wanting to ease his son's pain, Buzz put a picture of Jenna in the boy's pocket to keep her near Coop's heart. Later, he decided to take the kids to England to show them where Jenna grew up. Some time the following year, Buzz decided that the boys would be better off with Jenna's family in England and sent them there to live.

[edit] Return

Years later, in 2004, a teenaged Coop returned to Springfield after Buzz suffered a heart attack. Having heard all about the takeover of Buzz's restaurant, Company, by Phillip Spaulding (the stress of which led to Buzz's heart attack), Coop arrived at Cedars Hospital and unceremoniously punched Spaulding family member (and Coop's sister's ex-fiancé) Gus Aitoro! While Buzz convalesced at the hospital Coop became re=acquainted with his family and ended up meeting Phillip's spoiled teenaged daughter, Lizzie. Lizzie immediately grated on Coop's nerves and upon meeting her he decided to stay and help his family fight the Spaulding takeover. Although Buzz had doubts that Coop, who was out of school and had traveled extensively, would want to remain in Springfield, Coop assured him that he was where he wanted to be. Meanwhile the battle between Phillip and the Coopers was getting ugly. When demolition of Company was halted, a vengeful Phillip destroyed Harley's house! Wanting to even the score a little, Coop tried to get on Spaulding property and toss a brick through a window. However, when he failed to talk his way through the gate, he decided to bulldoze through the gate! Although Phillip wanted him thrown in jail, his assistant Ruth Karloff (actually Harley in disguise) was able to convince him that he couldn't afford the bad publicity. Seeing that she had a point, Phillip suggested an alternative--Coop would work off the damages by working as Lizzie's driver! Although Coop refused, he was forced to comply when Phillip stated that he'd not only send Coop to jail, but get the money for the damages from Buzz. Although Buzz tried to urge Coop not to stay in Springfield out of obligation, Coop insisted that he wanted to repay his debt and be with his family. Although Coop often clashed with the spoiled, combative Lizzie, there were times when he saw another side to her. Then one day, he arrived to drive a visibly upset Lizzie to the airport. Realizing that she was running from something, Coop refused to take her anywhere lest he'd be an accomplice. Finally, he figured out what she was running from---she'd been involved in a hit and run. When he lambasted her for running away instead of facing her punishment, Lizzie revealed that she had confessed but her father was forcing her to leave. Seeing how conflicted she was, Coop tried to convince her to do the right thing and stay. Afraid of jail time, Lizzie tried to offer Coop money to be her alibi, but he refused. Nonetheless he was able to convince Lizzie that if she didn't want to leave town, she shouldn't. He then went with her when she confronted Phillip with the news that she was staying. Not long after, Phillip ended up dead from a gunshot wound. Weeks later, after he quit his job as Lizzie's chauffeur, Coop was shocked to learn that not only had Buzz unexpectedly sold Company to Phillip prior to his death, but Lizzie was the new owner. Basking in her new role as restaurant owner, Lizzie re-named the place "Lizzie & Company" and lorded her position over the Coopers whom she retained on the payroll. However, neither Coop nor Marina were about to make things easy for Lizzie and they resisted her at every turn. Then Coop thought up a plan make Lizzie want to leave forever--he'd make her fall in love with him and then reject her But despite him trying to "play" Lizzie, their relationship would continue to be antagonistic, though with periods of genuine closeness.

[edit] Lizzie on the Brain

By 2005, however, the pair had grown tired of their little game and they both confessed that they'd been playing the other. Soon after, knowing that Gus was trying to clear Harley of Phillip's murder, Coop volunteered to get information from Lizzie. But after Coop started to grill Lizzie, Lizzie startled him by showing him marks on her arms that she claimed came from Gus when he questioned her. However, Gus pointed out to Coop that Lizzie might not be as innocent as she looked. To help clear his sister, Coop broke into Lizzie’s room to look for her diary. When she caught him, he pretended to be there because he cared for her and they kissed. Remembering the reason why he was there, Coop pulled himself away and later, alone in the room, found a bloody shard of glass amongst Lizzie’s private things. Shaken he took the glass to Buzz and Gus who arranged for the blood on it to be analyzed to see if it was Phillip's. Later, Lizzie called Coop, determined to make him believe that Gus attacked her again but Coop remained suspicious. Soon after, Lizzie stuck Coop in the middle of the family feud when she demanded that he step up as a witness to Gus’s first attack on her. The night before Harley's trial, as the Coopers tried to rally around Harley, Coop had to contend with Lizzie who was intent on staying in Company. In an effort to get her out, Coop locked her in the potting shed. When he returned to get her out, he found Lizzie in hysterics and became suspicious as to why she was so freaked out. Later, Lizzie held an impromptu press conference outside Company to express her confidence in Harley’s guilt. A horrified Coop grabbed her and took her to the spot where Harley’s house once stood to show her that she’s making an ugly situation worse. Later, they find themselves stuck in wet cement and things took a lighter turn...until Lizzie intercepted Coop’s call from the lab and learned that he’d betrayed her. That same day, when Coop called the lab and learned that the test had been cancelled, he knew Lizzie was responsible. Finally at the trial, Gus called Lizzie on the stand and badgered her, accusing her of Phillip's murder. When Lizzie fainted, Coop came to her aid but when he told her he knew about the shard of glass and it was time to confess to what she’d done, she slapped him across the face. Recalled back to the stand Lizzie made her deep confession--the shard of glass was from when she killed a man when she was a little girl. Sympathetic and deeply ashamed for what he was accusing her of, Coop tried to apologize but Lizzie felt betrayed by him.

[edit] Clearing Harley, who did it?

As Harley was looking more and more guilty, Coop and Lizzie found themselves in a serious kiss after he keeps her from accidentally falling off Company's roof. Days later, to slight Coop, Lizzie showed up at Company with a preppy guy. When Coop witnessed the guy two-timing Lizzie the minute she turned her back, he sent him packing. Lizzie accused Coop of undermining her and her new boyfriend and Coop proved to Lizzie that he was more her type by kissing her. Although the pair were becoming closer, when they had an argument, a hurt Lizzie decided she wanted to expand the restaurant and vindictively threw the Coopers out of the apartments above Company! Although Alexandra tried to reason with her, a stubborn Lizzie would not change her decision. In the meantime, Harley's trial ended and she was found guilty. However, by this time, Lizzie had begun to wonder if Harley was actually guilty. Meanwhile a fed up Coop announced that he was quitting Company, prompting Lizzie to give him a reality check. She brought him to Phillip’s tomb and reminded him that she was also hurting from all that has happened in the past few months. As they share a close moment, Alan appeared and demanded that Coop get away from Lizzie, unwilling to let another Cooper interfere with their lives. Later Lizzie threw a party at Company but nobody showed up. Feeling sorry for her, Coop secretly recruited some guests. Lizzie felt humiliated when she realized what he did but when they began to argue, they shared a geniune emotional moment and Lizzie asked Coop not to leave Company after all. Meanwhile, as Harley was languishing in prison, Lizzie overheard Gus tell Buzz that he imprisoned Alan at the mansion after Alan had held him captive. After dragging Coop along to seemingly rescue her grandfather, Lizzie startled both Coop and Alan when she didn't let Alan out, fearful of what a man who would imprison his own son would be capable of. However, unable to stand a claustrophobic Alan's pleas for help, Coop quickly released him. Lizzie then surprised both Alan and Coop by angrily condemning the actions of the Spaulding family.

In the meantime, thanks to Alan, Harley was being transferred to a dangerous prison called Hell Hole. Although Lizzie learned of the transfer, she was forced to keep quiet when Alan threatened Coop. Later, when Coop learned that Lizzie lied for Alan in order to protect him, they shared a sweet moment. However Lizzie's mother, Beth, warned Coop that getting involved with Lizzie could ruin his life since Alan had a vendetta against the Coopers. Although both Coop and Lizzie initially balked at this, they soon realized that they were a bad idea and attempted to part ways. But when Lizzie left him a letter saying goodbye before flying off to Switzerland, Coop stopped her from leaving. As their relationship continued to grow, Alan become more incensed that another Cooper was infiltrating his family. When Lizzie stood up to her grandfather, his response was a threat against Coop. However, the couple wouldn't be deterred and saw each other in secret. Meanwhile, by mid summer all of Springfield was shocked to learn who really killed Phillip--Alan!

[edit] Lizzie? Oxford?

Shocked and angry, Lizzie left the family mansion and asked to stay at with the Coopers. Not long after, Lizzie almost became part of a kidnapping plot. When Coop learned that Lizzie (who was oblivious at first) was with Alan's henchman, he got worried and rushed to find her. Luckily, by this point, Lizzie learned she was going to be held for ransom and got a call out to Coop who suggested that she stall for time. Taking Coop's advice to "be herself", Lizzie played the spoiled little rich girl routine to the hilt, getting Sebastian so irritated that when Coop arrived all they had to do was stage an argument and Lizzie was let go. Meanwhile, Harley was finally exonerated for Phillip's murder and Lizzie, in an act of gratitude for their friendship, returned Company to Buzz. A few weeks later, Lizzie's family, namely her mother and Alan, decided to strong-arm Lizzie into moving back into the mansion by cutting her off financially. However, Lizzie refused to back down and got a job at Company and moved in as well. Although welcoming of Lizzie, Buzz warned Coop that her arrival would hinder Coop from following his dreams of becoming a writer. Weeks later, it turned out Buzz had a point. Apparently, Coop had been accepted to a writing seminar at Oxford Universtiy. Despite Buzz's suggestion that he take it and follow his dream, Coop wasn't sure about leaving Lizzie for that long of a time.

[edit] Engaged?

In the meantime, Lizzie was dealing with the sickening revelation that her mother married her grandfather. In retaliation, Lizzie decided to tell her family that she was marrying Coop. While the plan worked in angering Beth, Lizzie was almost cornered when Beth went to Company and confronted Coop and Lizzie about their surprise engagement. Seeing she was on the spot with her mother, Coop backed her up by stating that he and Lizzie were indeed engaged. Soon after, Coop was pleasantly surprised when Lizzie arranged a trip for the two of them to go to Cancun. However, the same day he was to leave, Coop found himself in mortal danger. While working on his car in the garage, a stack of tires suddely fell on him and in an attempt to get his bearings, he accidentally knocked over a gas pipe. Now unconscious, Coop would have died if Harley and Gus (returning from their honeymoon) hadn't had discovered him. Though Harley insisted Coop go to the hospital to get checked out, he rushed off to find Lizzie to explain why he didn't show up. Later, Coop found out Lizzie hadn't just planned on taking him to Cancun--she was planning a wedding! Shocked, he confronted her. Lizzie apologized but reminded Coop he kept a secret from her too about his offer at Oxford. Coop apologized and they both resolve to trust each other more. Coop then decided to remain in Springfield rather than go to Oxford. Meanwhile, unable to answer to a boss, Lizzie quit her new job at the television station, but Coop stood up for her when Beth tried to stir up trouble between them.

[edit] Lizzie? Ava?

Several weeks later, Coop took Lizzie to the charity dance event but had to use something of a backdoor entrance because he couldn’t afford the tickets. Lizzie’s put off at first was touched when he took her out to the terrace to show her the private table he set up for them. Moved, she told Coop she wanted to make love. Unfortunately, Coop ended up turning her down for the night. Hurt (although she tried to cover it), Lizzie walked out but a little later returned only to find Coop bussing tables. Apparently in exchange for being let in to the dance, Coop agreed to wash dishes afterwards. In the meantime, Coop began befriending a young woman named Ava Peralta. Upon learning she was homeless and jobless, Coop offered her a job at Buzz's new restaurant, CO2. Meanwhile, around Christmas, Lizzie took Coop to the condo (telling him it belonged to her family) and attempted to seduce him. Although Coop wasn’t sure if she was ready, she convinced him she was and they made love for the first time. A little later, Lizzie was forced to cancel her New Year's Eve plans with Coop and he ended up sharing a New Year's Eve kiss with Ava. In 2006, Coop's friendship with Ava continued to grow while his relationship with Lizzie seemed secure; or so he thought. Near Valentine's Day, Coop was shocked when he arrived at Lizzie's penthouse to find Quinn alone. Angrily confronting Quinn, Coop was shocked when Quinn informed him that Lizzie didn't own the penthouse--he did! When Quinn taunted Coop with the revelation,. Coop decked him. Just then Lizzie arrived and was forced to confess to Quinn funding her lifestyle. When Coop asked if Lizzie slept with Quinn, too, she denied it, insisting she only kissed him a couple of times, Lizzie tried to explain that she couldn't handle being poor but Coop was unsympathetic. He railed at her for all her lies and told her they were through.

A few weeks later, Lizzie tried to play on Coop's sympathy by telling him she had nowhere to stay, Coop refused to help her. Meanwhile, Coop was becoming even closer to Ava and made no secret of his interest but she was concerned he was still in love with Lizzie. While declining dates with Coop, Ava was making plans to go on a date with a mysterious suitor named Brian. However, Coop accidentally learned that Lizzie had hired Brian to date Ava. When Coop confronted Lizzie about hiring the guy, she accused him of jumping into bed with Ava. Lizzie then called Ava names and dared the other girl to punch her so Lizzie could sue her into poverty (of course, Ava wasn't exactly well-off now).Though Ava dumped a pitcher of something gooey over Lizzie’s head. Weeks later, Lizzie attempted to get Coop to "rescue her" by calling him and telling him that she needed protection because her old boyfriend, Joey Lupo, was stalking her and then made it sound like she was being attacked. Coop ran right over. But when Lizzie asked him to stay, he refused. However, when she unclothed, he quickly gave in. Soon after, Joey arrived and exposed her lie. Disgusted, Coop walked out. Later, Coop got a call telling him his fellowship to Oxford was still open. Ecstatic at this opportunity, he asked Ava to go with him to England. She accepted. Later, at a party for Coop (thrown secretly by Lizzie), Lizzie informed Ava that she and Coop slept together quite recently. (the night of the non-stalker incident) Ava maintained that she didn’t care since she and Coop weren’t together then. Later, Coop confirmed Lizzie’s story and admitted that it “just happened." The next day, Coop took Lizzie to her father’s grave and tried to convince her that she didn’t need to turn out nuts like Phillip. Or Alan. Or Beth. Lizzie claimed she needed Coop in order to change, but he assured her she could do it on her own. They just weren’t meant to be. Later, Coop assured Ava that he and Lizzie were over and Ava was who he wanted to be with.

[edit] And baby makes?

Days later, Lizzie shocked Coop by announcing that she was having his baby. After spilling the news to a shocked Ava, Coop went on his fellowship interview but found he was unable to answer questions about his future. Meanwhile, Lizzie wasted no time announcing her pregnancy to her family, as well as Buzz. However, Coop rushed off to the airport. Thinking Coop was leaving for England, Buzz rushed off to get him but Coop wasn’t going anywhere—he got a refund on his ticket. Coop then offered to let Ava go, but she refused to go anywhere. Later, Coop got a lecture in owning up to his responsibility to Lizzie and the baby from none other than bad-boy Jonathan Randall. It didn’t take long for the two to come to blows and ended up going through a glass window. Afterwards, Alan urged Coop to step away from his unborn child...for Lizzie’s sake, but Coop stated that he intended to take care of his child...and its mother. Soon after, Coop was there when Lizzie got her medical file which included her conception date but she distracted him before he got a chance to see it. In the meantime, Alan presented Coop with papers stating when he’d be allowed to see the child. Coop was all set to take on Alan legally, when Beth suggested that Coop needed to make a proposal. After some soul-searching, Coop realized he had to marry Lizzie for the baby’s sake. When he informed Ava, she gave him her blessing by saying he had to do what he had to do. Soon after, Lizzie found the engagement ring in Coop's pocket and became convinced he was going to propose. Ecstatic, she threw herself an engagement party where she demanded he propose. However, Coop couldn’t go through with it. With the ring still on her finger, when Coop left, Lizzie informed everyone that Coop proposed. That night, Coop learned about the lie and decided to leave. Seeing that Coop was torn between duty to Lizzie and his love for her, Ava decided to walk away and leave town. However, before she did, she showed Coop her room---which she made into a nursery for his baby so Coop can prove to Alan’s lawyers he’d make a good dad. Afterwards, Lizzie played Coop perfectly, claiming she wanted to move back home, then defending him to Alan and showing him the lovely nursery Coop (actually Ava) decorated for the baby. But when Alan pointed out that a baby needed more than a room above a diner, Coop agreed to move in with Lizzie at the mansion. Buzz argued with Coop that he'd be giving up his dreams and destroying his life if he moved in; Coop was determined to do what he thought was right. Soon after, Coop found Ava out on a date and in a pique of jealousy, punched the guy out. Ava was furious until Coop started declaring his love for her. Although Ava tried to insist that they shouldn't be together, she gave in to the passion and the two began to make love. That is until Jonathan stormed in and lashed out at Coop for neglecting his responsibilities to Lizzie. Before calling him selfish, Jonathan warned Coop to do right by Lizzie. Immediately after, Coop decided he had to marry Lizzie. He assured Lizzie it wasn't just for the baby--he wanted them to be a family. While Buzz strenuously objected and told Coop (from experience) that'd he'd end up ruining everyone's life, Ava supported Coop since it was the noble thing to do. That same day, Buzz gave Coop a present: the cufflinks Jenna gave to him when they married. Buzz tried again to reason with Coop, pointing out that he didn't love Lizzie. but Coop was determined and told Buzz that he and Lizzie have time to fall in love.

[edit] The wedding that wasn't

The day of the wedding, though, Coop couldn't stay away and he and Ava shared a kiss. At the ceremony, Coop was floored with Jonathan entered and announced that he was the father of Lizzie's baby. Lizzie accidentally confirmed it then tried to claim that Jonathan raped her. However, that lie didn't hold up when Lizzie fainted and Jonathan gently took care of her. Afterwards, Lizzie begged Coop to marry her but he refused. The next day, Coop went to find Ava and was horrified to find a note stating she was leaving town forever. Coop begged Frank to put out an APB on Ava and Frank agreed. When Marina informed him that Ava told her she was going to England, Coop raced to the airport and told Ava that the wedding never happened. The pair reunited and Ava returned to Company. Later, when Coop confessed that a part of him still cared about the baby he thought was his, Ava assured him that was understandable. Later, Coop almost got caught in Lizzie's trap again when a distressed Beth informed him that Lizzie had to be rescued from the rooftop at Cedars during a suicide attempt. Concerned, Coop rushed to see her, only to be informed by Alan that the "suicide attempt" had been a ruse for his benefit. Disgusted, Coop washed his hands of Lizzie.

[edit] Ava SL

Not long after, Coop got caught in the triangle between Buzz, Frank, and Olivia Spencer when Ava told Frank that she'd seen Buzz and Olivia kissing. Even though Frank gave Buzz his blessing to pursue Olivia, Buzz wouldn't do, prompting Coop to encourage his father to go after the woman he loved. Days later something horrible happened: the Beacon Hotel caught on fire. Buzz and Coop rushed over to find Ava and Olivia who were working at the Hotel. While Buzz rescued Olivia, Coop frantically looked for Ava who was rescued by Alan-Michael Spaulding. Afterwards, Ava heatedly told the Coopers that Olivia left her trapped under a collapsed door to die in the fire. Although Olivia tried to defend herself by stating that she was looking for her daughter, Emma, neither Ava nor Coop were satisfied with the explanation. When Buzz defended Olivia, it drove a wedge between him and Coop. The rift between them upset Ava who warned Coop that Olivia was creating a rift in his family. The tension between Coop and Buzz went on for weeks until he and the rest of his family got caught in a food fight during the taping of a television cooking show and ended up jailed overnight. In jail, Coop and his father resolved their differences and afterwards Coop and Ava made love. That same night, Frank found pictures in Olivia's handbag--pictures taken from the voyeuristic Springfieldburns website. When questioned, Olivia insisted that she was being framed and accused Ava of not only framing her but being behind the website. To prove her innocence, Olivia went to her laptop to access the site. There on the front page is a picture of her with this message: FAMILY FIRST. NOT FOR THIS SPRINGFIELD MOM. REMEMBER LABOR DAY." Shocked, Olivia promptly fainted. That same day, Alan Michael showed up, again asking Ava to be his assistant. When it became clear that Alan-Michael really wanted her for the job, Coop suggested that she take it and they negotiated her wage. In the meantime, in an attempt to bury the hatchet, Buzz suggested that Olivia ask Coop and Ava to baby-sit her daughter, Emma. The pair agreed. While babysitting, Emma snuck a bottle of Ava's perfume out of her bag and drank it. Olivia arrived home to find her daughter unconscious and blamed Ava. Buzz, Olivia, Coop, and Ava rushed the child to the hospital. Ava blamed herself while Olivia acccused Ava of deliberately hurting Emma as payback for Olivia. Though Olivia tried to have Ava arrested, Frank refused. The situation between Olivia and Ava only got worse with Olivia finally losing control and nearly pushing Ava off a balcony. Curious as to why Olivia was so angry at the world, Coop suggested Ava getting a restraining order against her. That same night, a drunken Olivia nearly ran Ava down with her car. Though she stopped in time, an angry Ava threatened to tell Frank about it when Emma got better. . Soon after, Emma finally woke up. Though Ava had second thoughts against taking Emma’s mother away, Coop convinced her that she might be doing Emma a favor by having Olivia put away. When Ava still seemed unsure, Coop took it upon himself to call Frank. Meanwhile, Ava was attacked at the Spaulding parking garage after being lured there by Olivia. Later, she admitted the truth to Coop, stating that she knew Olivia had hired this man. Though Coop wanted her to press charges, Ava went straight to Olivia and gave her an ultimatum: either she turned herself in to the police for trying to have Ava killed, or Ava would do it herself. Later, Coop asked Marina to help him break into Olivia’s room to search for evidence that she hired Gillespie to try and kill Ava.

[edit] Ava is WHO'S daughter?

In Olivia’s room, they were shocked to see a picture of Ava and her mother. Suddenly, they were caught by Olivia who threw them out without explaining why she had a photo of Ava’s mother. However, Marina knew thing—she had found adoption papers—Ava was adopted. Keeping the information from Ava, Coop confronted Olivia and accused her of intending to use the knowledge of Ava’s adoption as a means to hurt her. Finally, Ava had Frank arrest Olivia for attempted murder. As she was being led away Olivia blurted out a shocking revelation—she was Ava’s mother! Olivia informed a disbelieving Ava that she became pregnant as a teenager and gave her baby girl up for adoption. Olivia claimed she’d done some investigating and Ava was her daughter. Days later, Coop overheard Olivia admit to Buzz that Ava was a product of rape. Later, Alan-Michael suggested to Ava that Olivia could have been lying about Ava’s father. That same day, Coop went to Ava and told her that while he felt Ava should forget about the search, he would help her. In the meatime, Coop came across Buzz in Chicago and was shocked when he realized that Buzz was there to buy Olivia an engagment ring. Though he admitted that he thought Buzz was crazy to marry Oliivia, Coop supported Buzz and stated that he would be his best man should Oliiva say yes. That same day, Ava, Coop and Buzz walked in on an argument between Olivia and Jeffrey and were shocked to learn that Jeffrey was Ava's father, and that he had raped Olivia. Several weeks later, Coop suggested to Ava that they move to London and she reluctantly agreed. The day they were set to leave, Alan-Michael’s new assistant Mandy showed up, giving Coop a letter for Ava, Alan-Michael had offered Ava offering a huge opportunity and lots of $$$$$. Coop threw the letter away without telling Ava. Later, he confessed what he'd done to Marina who insisted that Ava had a right to know about the offer; Coop didn't agree--he viewed it as saving Ava from having to make that choice. Later, while they were at the airport ready to leave, Jeffrey rushed in while Ava had walked off. Jeffrey tried to tell Coop that he wanted to give Ava a Christmas present but Coop convinced Jeffrey that it would be best to just forget about Ava since Jeffrey would only hurt her in the long run anyway. When Jeffrey left, Ava suddenly disappeared from the airport. By the end of the day, he found her and she confronted him about never giving her the message but he convinced her that he did it to protect her. Meanwhile, Ava learned that Jeffrey had been injured in a fight (he defended her honor at Outskirts) and rushed to see him at Cedars. There she also found a pair of earrings with her birthstone. Jeffrey admitted that they were a Christmas present for her but Coop talked him out of giving them. Fed up with Coop making decisions for her, Ava suggested that they needed a break from each other and then accepted Alan-Michael's job offer.

[edit] Family & Relationships

[edit] Parents

[edit] Sibling(s)

  • Frank Cooper Jr. (Paternal Half-Brother)
  • Harley Cooper Aitoro (Paternal Half-Sister)
  • Lucille "Lucy" Cooper (Paternal Half-Sister)
  • Ian Stavros "Rocky" Cooper (Maternal Half-Brother/Adoptive Brother)

[edit] Martial Status

  • Single

[edit] Past Marriage(s)

  • None

[edit] Children

  • None

[edit] Other Relatives

  • Dante "Pops" Cooper (Kouperakis) (Paternal Grandfather, deceased)
  • Clyde Wynant (Maternal Grandfather, deceased)
  • Marina Cooper (Niece)
  • Susan Lemay (Niece)
  • Alan Cooper "Zach" Spaulding (Nephew)
  • Jude Cooper Bauer (Nephew)

[edit] Flings & Relationships

[edit] References