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The following part is removed since it makes no sence.

[edit] Common variants

  • Hgb A2 (alpha2-delta2)
  • Hgb F (alpha2-gamma2)

[edit] HPLC Migration patterns

Other variants require HPLC which elutes the hemoglobin variants through an ion exchange column with different elution times (A2 window, D window, C window, and S window). Each variant has a unique peak of elution time.

Some haemoglobinopathies are not linked to malaria, such as the Shepherd's Bush variant, in which the 2,4 DPG effect is diminished, and the Hiroshima variant in which the Bohr effect is diminished.

Common hemglobin Variants list began with A2 and F which occur in normal population, and M - which is one of the least common variants.

Gainullin 04:19, 3 May 2006 (UTC)