Hemimetric space

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In mathematics, a hemimetric space is a generalization of a metric space, obtained by removing the requirements of discernability and of symmetry. It is thus a generalization of both a quasimetric space and a pseudometric space, while being a special case of a prametric space.

[edit] Definition

A hemimetric on a set X is a function d\colon X\times X\to \mathbb{R} such that

  1. \,\! d(x,y)\geq 0 (positivity);
  2. \,\! d(x,z) \leq d(x,y) + d(y,z) (subadditivity/triangle inequality);
  3. \,\! d(x,x)=0;

for all x,y,z\in X.

Hence, essentially d is a metric which fails to satisfy symmetry and the property that distinct points have positive distance (the identity of indiscernibles).

A symmetric hemimetric is a pseudometric.

A hemimetric that can discern points is a quasimetric.

A hemimetric induces a topology on X in the same way that a metric does, a basis of open sets being

\{B_r(x): x\in X, r>0\},

where B_r(x)=\{y\in X : d(x,y)<r\} is the r-ball centered at x.

[edit] References