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The Helmacrons are a fictional race of aliens in the Animorphs universe. They are about a sixteenth of an inch tall with humanoid bodies with another set of legs. Their heads are perfectly flat on top, with large green eyes sitting on them. Their faces come down from the top in an inverted pyramid to a hooked, barbed chin. Their mouthparts are insectlike, with gnashing sideways teeth. They dress in silver colored one-piece suits with turquoise collars.

[edit] Helmacron society

Female Helmacrons are dominant to male Helmacrons, holding the important military positions on a spaceship, while male Helmacrons have janitorial or guard jobs. The Helmacrons kill their leaders before promoting them to make sure the captain will never make an error in judgement. Helmacrons have the unusual mental ability to transfer their minds to another when their bodies are destroyed. Therefore, you can never really "kill" a Helmacron mind, since it dwells within other Helmacrons. Despite this, the Helmacrons seem to be no wiser than if they had one, or even no minds at all; despite their tiny size and relative weakness, they have inflated personalities, and of all the alien species in the Animorphs universe, seem to be the least mentally stable.

After the first Helmacron episode, Marco and Cassie had given the male Helmacrons a peptalk, inspiring them to revolt from their slave-like existence. The subsequent revolt of male Helmacrons throughout their empire has ultimately destabalized their already shaky social order. When last we see of them, the Helmacrons are well on their way to engaging a massive civil war between the sexes.

Helmacrons do not have names; a male who Marco afterwards dubbed Wuss didn't even know the meaning of the word "name".

[edit] Technology

The Helmacron spaceship Galaxy Blaster is shaped like a baton, with three clusters of three long tubes at the far end and a fierce death's-head bridge at the front. It resembles a Romulan D'deridex starship from the television series, Star Trek, albeit a tiny one.

They also possess a shrinking and anti-shrinking beam. In the books these are powered using the morphing energy of the Escafil device, but they can presumably be powered by other energy sources.