Helen Shiller

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Helen Shiller is alderman on the Chicago City Council of the 46th ward in Chicago; she was first elected in 1987.


[edit] Early life

Shiller earned her high school Diploma from Woodstock County School in Vermont in 1965. She went on to graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in history. Recently, in 2005, Shiller graduated from De Paul University’s School for New Learning Master’s Program where her focus was public policy.

From 1981 to 1987, Shiller was President and CEO of Justice Graphics, Inc. Shiller also worked as a free lance photographer and writer from the mid-1970s until her election as alderman.

[edit] Public Service

Shiller was formerly the Executive Organizer for the Employment Action Coalition, a project of the Community Renewal Society. Shiller also taught GED classes to Stockton School parents and later worked on Mayor Harold Washington’s Political Education Project.

[edit] Aldermanic career

Shiller was first elected alderman of the 46th in 1987.

As alderman, Shiller has sponsored and fought for a number of new ordinances and programs. She worked for the passing for the human rights ordinance, recycling programs and city responsibility for public health and safety in the Chicago Public Schools. She initiated an anti-apartheid ordinance in 1990 and added a budget amendment to triple to city’s AIDS budget in 1992. She co-sponsored the domestic partners ordinance which extends benefits for unmarried couples.

In 1989, Shiller sponsored a resolution creating a sub-committee on Domestic Violence. Since that resolution, the Chicago Police Department invested in a computerized domestic violence incident tracking system and the city now funds domestic violence counselling centers and programs for supervised visitations.

Shiller has recently worked with the Department of Housing to develop the Planned Purchase Assistance Program, which provides opportunities for home ownership to working families.

Shiller serves on eight committees: Budget and Government Operations; Buildings; Committees, Rules and Ethics; Finance; Health; Housing and Real Estate; Human Relations; and License and Consumer Protection.

Shiller defeated challenger James Cappleman in the February 27th, 2007 election. With forty-six of forty-seven precincts reporting, Shiller had received 5,834 votes to Cappleman's 5,133 votes.

[edit] External Links