Heinrich Wild

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Heinrich Wild (1877-1951) was a Swiss inventor, designer and founder of Wild Heerbrugg. He was born November 15, 1877, at Mitlödi, (Canton Glarus).

With 15 years he stepped into apprentice with the engineer Legler in Glarus (hydraulic engineer for the river Linth). He bought a small theodolite and took thereby after short time independently expanded measurments of the flow of the river Linth. Later he joined the Geometerschule (geometer school) at Winterthur and came 1899 as a trainee to the Landestopographie (Swisstopo is the common name for the Swiss Federal Office of Topography) in Berne. Due to his bad experiences with the high mountain triangulation with a theodolite of conventional design he already tried 1905 to design a new theodolite with rotable circle with coincidence circle-readings.

In 1907 he left the Landestopographie and moved to Jena, Germany to the company Carl Zeiss to build up a new department for producing geodetic instruments. He began with the development of levelling instrumnents and designed later also a new theodolite, the Th I.

In the year 1921 Wild returned to Switzerland and founded with Dr. R. Helbling, who operated a measurement office, and with the politician Jacob Schmidheini an own company with the name "Heinrich Wild, Werkstätte für Feinmechanik und Optik" (later known as Wild Heerbrugg, now Leica, Leica Geosystems, Leica Microsystems, Leica Camera))

At this time he developed the famos universal theodolite Wild T2, the precision theodolit Wild T3 and also the stereoautograph Wild A1 for aerial photointerpretation, beside a number of other measurement instruments.

It may be perhaps typical for the inventor Wild that he worried little about the economical things of its company and this ended finally in the consequense that Wild separated 1932 even from its own company, in order to be able to work as free lance technical designer and inventor. Up to its death in 1951 he designed the legendary DK1, DKM1, DM2, DKM2, and DKM3 for Kern & Co, Aarau beside of other things.

Wild died at Baden, Switzerland, December 26, 1951.

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NAME Wild, Heinrich
SHORT DESCRIPTION Inventor and founder of Wild Heerbrugg (now Leica, Leica Geosystems, Leica Microsystems, Leica Camera)
DATE OF BIRTH November 15, 1877
PLACE OF BIRTH Mitlödi, Canton Glarus, Switzerland
DATE OF DEATH December 26, 1951
PLACE OF DEATH Baden, Switzerland
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