Heinrich Waentig

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Heinrich Eugen Waentig (March 21, 1870 - December 22, 1943) was a German economist and politician.

He was born in Zwickau, Saxony.

From 1888 to 1893, Waentig studied at Munich, Berlin, Leipzig, Vienna and earned his doctoral degree of the University of Leipzig. Subsequently, he travelled to the US and East Asia.

He finished his habilitation in 1895 at University of Marburg in 1895 to become a Privatdozent there. In the following year, he was appointed professor extraordinarius, 1899 zum professor ordinarius of the University of Greifswald. 1902 he switched to the Münster, 1904 to Halle.

In 1913, he was recalled by the Prussian education minister and returned (until 1933) to his Chair of Halle University. In 1920, he was elected member of the Prussian Landtag; in 1927, he was appointed Oberpräsident of the Province of Saxony; in March 1930, Prussian Minister of the Interior.

He died in Baden-Baden.

[edit] Works

  • Gewerbliche Mittelstandspolitik. Eine rechtshistorisch-wirtschaftspolitische Studie auf Grund österreichischer Quellen Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1898.
  • Die japanische Revolution 1867 (The Japanese revolution of 1867). Bonn/Leipzig: K. Schroeder 1920.
  • Herausgabe: Sammlung sozialwissenschaftlicher Meister. Jena: Gustav Fischer; Aalen: Scientia Verlag 1903-10.
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