Height increase

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Height increase is something which many short people are searching for. Having a short stature brings social exclusions and may hamper ability to play certain sports like basketball. Being small in height also affects some races more than others, Chinese and south Asians are often shorter than their European counterparts. Medical conditions like Dwarfism is factored as a hereditory disposition.

The most common advice given by Doctors when a short person enquires about increasing their height is self acceptance, of course with the explosion of the Internet comes new inovations, medical theory, posterial procedure and con artists all trying to sell something!

Your skeleton will continue to get taller until the growth plates on your bones begin to close. People stop getting taller at different ages. You might stop growing in your early 20's or late teens. Or you might continue growing into your mid-twenties. How tall you get is mainly decided by how short your long bones are.

If you believe you are too short and not as tall as you would like to be, you might have have an lack of a growth hormone. Your medical professional can test to find out if you lack this hormone. It's quite possible! I've found that some symptoms of this loss of growth hormone include life long conditions of the bone such as arthritis and a severe changing of your facial features. The caposs commission [1] checks and varifies health web sites with a special interest in height increase scams

All over the world wide web groups of shorter people have gathered info to make life easier for smaller men and women. One of the best sites is right here in the states, it contains help and resources also: [2] Trying to determine a genuine site offering a real gain in height or tallness can be frought with danger


[edit] Height Increase Methods

Over the years, there have been several unconventional "height increase" methods reported throughout the internet community. Many testimonies report having gain a few inches (average 1-2 inches) through these methods. The theory behind most of these methods or exercises is to lengthen the cartilages tissue (which is stretchable) in the spine or legs. For a collection of these exercises and methods,

[edit] Human Growth Hormones (HGH) and Height Increase

HGH travels through the blood and stimulates the liver to produce a protein called insulin-like growth factor #1(IGF-1). IGF-1 helps the cartilage cells located at the ends of long bones called the growth plates to multiply, which is where bone growth occurs. During puberty age, this leads to growth in the length of the bones and increases one's overall height. By end of puberty, however, the cartilage at the ends of most long bones is converted to bone this is known as the "closing" of the growth plates. Any subsequent action of HGH or IGF-1 usually cannot increase the length of bones. For more information on when and how increase HGH can lead to height increase, good look

[edit] Treatment 2006

People are people what ever their height, but some will still search for an increase in height: Some other ideas are controversial and can only be used before the growth plates (epiphyseal plates) in the long bones fuse. This occurs in late puberty, as a result of exposure to sex steroid hormones (estrogen for girls and testosterone for boys). If the growth plates have not yet fused, Growth Hormone can be administered (daily injections). Since this is tricky business (the correct dose, when to start and stop, what side effects to watch out for), it must be done under close supervision of a pediatric endocrinologist. It may also be possible to turn off or turn down activity of the ovaries or testes while administering the Growth Hormone, providing a longer window of opportunity for growth before the epiphyseal plates fuse. This temporary turn-off is done with gonadotropin-hormone releasing hormone agonists such as Lupron or Synarel.

Another method is quite drastic and requires the sawing in half of the long bones in the legs, securing the ends of the bones in place, slightly apart from one another, using special hardware, and "turning the screws" at prescribed intervals to further separate the ends of the bones and allow more bone to grow in between. This is a long a painful road, but it works.

The Internet and teleconferencing has made communication constant and instant. As a result, expectations have risen and negative "stuff" spreads like wildfire. For example, if you don't reply to an e-mail within a couple of days people wonder if you are asleep at the wheel. Of course that is not true smaller people have just as interesting and full lives as anyone and so may not be able to sit at a PC for hour after hour!

[edit] External links

