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This article is about the city in the Middle East. For other uses of the name, see Hebron (disambiguation).

Coordinates: 31°32′00″N, 35°05′42″E

The mostly deserted market in the old city.
The mostly deserted market in the old city.

Hebron (Arabic: الخليل  al-Ḫalīl or al Khalīl; Hebrew: חֶבְרוֹן , Standard Hebrew: Ḥevron, Tiberian Hebrew: Ḥeḇrôn) is a city in the southern Judea region of the West Bank. It is home to some 120,000 Palestinians and 600 Israeli settlers.[1] Hebron lies 3,050 feet (930 m) above sea level.

The name "Hebron" derives from the Hebrew name for the city, which ultimately comes from חבר (habar 598), meaning "to be joined, coupled, allied." The name "Hebron" traces back to the same root as "Heber."[2] In Arabic, "إبراهيم الخليل" means "Ibrahim the friend," signifying that, according to Islamic teaching, Allah (God) chose Ibrahim (Abraham) as his friend.[3]

Hebron is located 30 km south of Jerusalem. It is famous for its grapes, limestone, pottery workshops and glassblowing factories. It is also the location of the major dairy-product manufacturer, Al-Juneidi. The old city of Hebron is characterized by narrow, winding streets, flat-roofed stone houses, and old bazaars. It is home to Hebron University and the Palestine Polytechnic University.

Israeli soldiers in Hebron, 2004.
Israeli soldiers in Hebron, 2004.

The most famous historic site in Hebron sits on the Cave of the Patriarchs. The site is holy to all three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to Genesis, Abraham purchased the cave and the field surrounding it to bury his wife Sarah, and Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Leah are buried in the cave (the remaining Matriarch, Rachel, is buried outside Bethlehem). For this reason, Jews also call the city "the City of the Patriachs," and it is the second of the four holiest cities in Judaism (along with Jerusalem, Tiberias and Tzfat). The cave itelf is the second holiest site in Judaism, and churches, synagogues and mosques have been built there throughout history (see "History" below). The Isaac Hall is now the Ibrahimi Mosque, while the Abraham Hall and Jacob Hall serve as a Jewish synagogue.

Also located near Hebron is the urban Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, which is home to approximately 6,500 Israelis and is considered by Israel to be a part of "greater Hebron".[4]


[edit] History

[edit] Ancient period

Hebron is one of the most ancient cities in the Middle East, and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Hebron was an ancient Canaanite royal city, which according to archaeological findings was probably founded in the 35th century BCE, and mentioned in the Bible as existing during the 18th century BCE.

Hebron is mentioned as being formerly called Kirjath-arba, before being conquered by Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 14). Hebron became one of the principal centers of the Tribe of Judah, and the Judahite David was anointed King of Israel in Hebron and reigned in the city until the capture of Jerusalem, when the capital of the Kingdom of Israel was moved to that city. Jar handle stamps bearing Hebrew letters dating from 700 BCE, the oldest known inscription naming the city, have been found in Hebron (see LMLK seal).

After the destruction of the First Temple, most of the Jewish inhabitants of Hebron were exiled and their place was taken by Edomites at about 587 BCE. Herod the Great built the wall which still surrounds the Cave of Machpelah. During the first war against the Romans, Hebron was conquered by Simon Bar Giora, the leader of the Sicarii. Eventually it became part of the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE which was later destroyed by the Sassanids.

[edit] Medieval period

The Islamic Caliphate established rule over Hebron without resistance in 638. During this period, Muslims converted the Byzantine church at the site of Abraham's tomb into a mosque. Trade greatly expanded, in particular with bedouins in the Negev and the population to the east of the Dead Sea. Both Muslim and Christian sources note that Umar allowed Jews to build a synagogue and burial ground near the cave of Machpelah. In the 9th Century, Zedakah b. Shomron, a Karaite scholar, wrote about a permanent Jewish presence, and a Jewish man was described as the "keeper of the cave". El Makdesi, an Arab historian, described "a synagogue and central kitchen which the Jews had set up for all the pilgrims rich and poor" at the turn of the century.

Arab rule lasted until 1099, when the Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron in 1099 and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham". The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church and expelled Jews living there. Towards the end of the period of Crusader rule, in 1166 Maimonides was able to visit Hebron and wrote, "And on the first day of the week, the ninth day of the month of Marheshvan, I left Jerusalem for Hebron to kiss the graves of my forefathers in the Cave of Makhpela. And on that very day, I stood in the cave and I prayed, praised be God for everything."

Maimonides established a yearly holiday for himself and his sons, the 9th of Cheshvan, commemorating the day he merited to pray at the Cave of the Patriarchs.
Maimonides established a yearly holiday for himself and his sons, the 9th of Cheshvan, commemorating the day he merited to pray at the Cave of the Patriarchs.

The Kurdish Muslim Salaḥ ed-Dīn took Hebron in 1187, and changed the name of the city back to "Hebron". Richard the Lionheart subsequently took the city soon after.

In 1260, al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari established Mamluk rule; the minarets were built onto the structure of the Cave of Machpelah/Ibrahami Mosque at that time. During this period, a small Jewish community continued to live in Hebron; however, the climate was less tolerant of Jews (and Christians) than it had been under prior Islamic rule. Jews wishing to visit the tomb were often taxed, and in 1266 a decree was established barring Jews and Christians from entering the Tomb of the Patriarchs; they were only allowed to climb up to a a certain step outside the Eastern wall. Sir John Mandeville wrote that the Jews and Christians were viewed "as dogs."[5] Many Jewish and Christian visitors wrote about the community, among them a student of Nachmanides (1270), Rabbi Ishtori Haparchi (1322), Stephen von Gumfenberg (1449), Rabbi Meshulam from Voltara (1481) and Rabbi Ovadia mi Bertinoro, a famous biblical commentator (1489). As early as 1333, there was an account from Hakham Yishak Hilo of Larissa (Greece), who arrived in Hebron and observed Jews working in the cotton trade and glassworks. He noted that in Hebron there was an "Ancient synagogue in which they prayed day and night."

[edit] Ottoman rule

Throughout the Ottoman Empire rule, (1517-1917), groups of Jews from other parts of the Holy Land, and exiles from Spain and other parts of the diaspora and settled there. Hebron at this time became a center of Jewish learning. In 1540 Rabbi Malkiel Ashkenazi bought a courtyard and established the Abraham Avinu Synagogue. In 1807, the Jewish community purchased a 5-dunam plot upon which the city's wholesale market stands today. Another pogrom took place in 1834. In 1831, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt took over Hebron until 1840.

[edit] Under the British mandate

In December 1917 and during World War I, the British occupied Hebron. In 1929, Arabs killed 67 Jews and wounded 60, and Jewish homes and synagogues were ransacked in the anti-Jewish 1929 Hebron massacre. Two years later, 35 families moved back into the ruins of the Jewish quarter, but after further riots, the British Government decided to move all Jews out of Hebron "to prevent another massacre". Hebron remained as a part of the British mandate until 1948.

[edit] Jordanian rule

Following the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, Jordan took over the control of Hebron and the rest of the West Bank. During this time, Israelis were not allowed to enter the West Bank. During this time, the Jewish Quarter was destroyed, Jewish cemeteries were desecrated,[6] 58 synagogues were destroyed[7] and an animal pen was built on the ruins of the Abraham Avinu Synagogue.

[edit] Israeli occupation

After the Six Day War, in June 1967, Hebron and the rest of the West Bank came under Israeli occupation.

In 1969, a group of Jewish settlers began to reside in the city, though a government compromise soon focused the Jewish presence to the east in the new settlement of Kiryat Arba. Beginning in 1979, Jewish settlers moved from Kiryat Arba to the old Avraham Avinu neighborhood, and later to other Hebron neighborhoods including Tel Rumeida.

[edit] Post Oslo Accord

Israeli Police and Army personnel in Hebron, November 2000.
Israeli Police and Army personnel in Hebron, November 2000.

Since early 1997 the city has been divided into two sectors: H1 and H2. The H1 sector, home to around 120,000 Palestinians, came under the control of the Palestinian Authority, in accordance with Hebron Protocol.[8] H2, which was inhabited by around 30,000 Palestinians[citation needed], remained under Israeli control due to the presence of around 500 Jewish settlers living in an enclave near the center of the town. During the last five years, the Palestinian population in H2 has decreased by 20,000 and the current figures show that only around 10,000 Palestinians continue to live in this sector.[citation needed] This has been partly attributed to settlers harassment of Palestinians,[9][10][11][12] as well as extended curfews and restrictions placed on the city residents by the IDF.[13][14][15]

Funds from Arab nations earmarked for the reconstruction of homes in Hebron destroyed by Israeli bulldozers during the second Intifada was reported to have reached PA leaders close to Yasser Arafat rather than the intended recipients.[16]

In 1994, an Israeli Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire on Muslims at prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque, killing 29. This event was condemned by the Israeli Government and polled Israelis. Israel banned the right-wing Kach movement as a result.

Palestinian boys throw stones at Israel Defense Forces in Hebron, November 2000.
Palestinian boys throw stones at Israel Defense Forces in Hebron, November 2000.

A year later, the Mayor of Hebron invited the Christian Peacemaker Teams to assist them the local Palestinian community in opposition to what they describe as Israeli military occupation, collective punishment, settler harassment, home demolitions and land confiscation.[17] They have maintained a presence in the community despite attacks against them, the most noted being in 2004 when two corps members, Kimberly Lamberty and Christopher Brown were attacked while walking Palestinian Children to school.[18] Accounts of the CPT presence can be found in Art Gish's "Hebron Journal."

The UN subsequently established an international unarmed observer force—the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) to maintain a buffer between the Palestinian Arab population of the city and the Jews residing in their enclave in the old city. On February 8, 2006, TIPH temporarily left Hebron after attacks on their headquarters by some Palestinians angered by the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.

[edit] Demographics

Year Muslims Christians Jews Total Notes
1538 749 h 7 h 20 h 776 h (h = households) Source: Cohen & Lewis
1817 500 [19]
1838 700 [19]
1837 423 Montefiore census
1866 497 Montefiore census
1922 16,074 73 430 16,577 British Mandate Census
1929 700 [19]
1930 0 [19]
1931 17,275 112 135 17,522 British Mandate Census
1944 24,400 150 0 24,550 Estimate
1967 38,203 106 0 38,309 Census
1997 130,000 3 530 130,533 [19]

Post-1967 data does not include the Jewish community of Kiryat Arba, which neighbors Hebron but is not technically part of it, and which has 6,500 Jewish residents.

[edit] Controversy: Jewish settlement after 1967

Star of David carved above entrance to a home in the old city of Hebron.
Star of David carved above entrance to a home in the old city of Hebron.[20][21]

Following the Six-Day War of 1967, a group of Jews disguised as tourists, led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, took over the main hotel in Hebron and refused to leave. They later moved to a nearby abandoned army camp and established the settlement of Kiryat Arba. In 1979, Levinger's wife led 30 Jewish women to take over the Daboya Hospital (Beit Hadassah) in central Hebron. Before long this received Israeli government approval and further Jewish enclaves in the city were established with army assistance. This process of expansion of the Jewish presence is continuing and there are now more than 20 Jewish settlements in and around the city.

Jews living in these settlements and their supporters claim that they are resettling areas where Jews have lived since time immemorial, for example citing the Star of David (see photo) carved in the keystone above some of the doorways in the old city.[20][21] However, some reports, both foreign and Israeli are sharply critical of the settlers.[22][23]

The sentiments of Jews who fled the 1929 Hebron massacre and their descendants are mixed. Some advocate the continued settlement of Hebron as a way to continue the Jewish heritage in the city, while others suggest that settlers should try to live in peace with the Arabs there, with some even recommending the complete pullout of all settlers in Hebron.[24] Descendants supporting the latter views have met with Palestinian leaders in Hebron.[25] The two most public examples of the descendants' views are the 1997 statement made by an association comprised of some descendants dissociating themselves from the then-current Jewish settlers in Hebron and calling them an obstacle to peace,[25] and the May 15, 2006 letter sent to the Israeli government by other descendants urging the government to continue its support of Jewish settlement in Hebron, in their names and urged it to allow the return of eight Jewish families evacuated last January from the homes they set up in empty shops near the Avraham Avinu neighborhood.[24]

[edit] Cultural, historical and sporting landmarks

Adjacent to the municipality building, Hebron archaeological museum has a collection of artifacts from the Cannanite to the Islamic periods. The Oak Of Abraham, also called Oak of Mamre is an ancient oak tree which marks the place where according to tradition Abraham pitched his tent. It is estimated that this oak is approximately 5000 years old. The Russian Orthodox Church owns the site and the nearby monastery. Other notable sites are The Well of Abraham and the tombs of Abner ben Ner (the commander of Saul and David's army), Ruth and Jesse.

[edit] Languages and accents

Palestinian Hebronites are known amongst the Levant for their distinguished colloquial Arabic accent. Hebronites speak while stretching their words giving it a long musical sound.

[edit] Notable people relating to Hebron

alphabetical order

[edit] See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:

Flag of Israel
Judea and Samaria Area
Cities Ariel | Betar Illit | Ma'ale Adummim
Regional committees Hebron
Local councils Alfei Menashe | Beit Arieh | Bet El | Efrat | Elkana | Giv'at Ze'ev | Har Adar | Immanuel | Karnei Shomron | Kedumim | Kiryat Arba | Ma'ale Efraim | Modi'in Illit | Oranit
Regional councils Gush Etzion | Har Hebron | Matte Binyamin | Megilot Dead Sea | Shomron | Southern Jordan Valley (Biq'at Hayarden)

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Two Israeli troops shot in Hebron", BBC News, March 7, 2005.
  2. ^ The name Hebron: meaning, origin, and etymology. Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault.
  3. ^ Qur'an4:125 وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ دِينًا مِّمَّنْ أَسْلَمَ وَجْهَهُ لله وَهُوَ مُحْسِنٌ واتَّبَعَ مِلَّةَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ حَنِيفًا وَاتَّخَذَ اللّهُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ خَلِيلاً
  4. ^ Hebron. Virtual Israel Experience. Jewish Virtual Library.
  5. ^ Mandeville, John. Chapter IX. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville.
  6. ^ Jordan’s Desecration of Jerusalem. Jewish Virtual Library.
  7. ^ Jordanian Annexation of West Bank: Resolution Adopted by the House of Deputies. Jewish Virtual Library (April 24, 1950).
  8. ^ Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron. United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine. Non-UN document. (January 17, 1997).
  9. ^ Rapoport, Meron. "Ghost town", Haaretz, November 17, 2005.
  10. ^ http://www.tiph.org/en/_skjult/Front_articles/?module=Articles;action=Article.publicShow;ID=1592
  11. ^ http://www2.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/YAOI-6UN95C?OpenDocument
  12. ^ http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/AllDocsByUNID/a17e4c9ace4785bac1256d87004bca62
  13. ^ Young, Kaliya. Friends of God: Peacemakers in Hebron. Grace Cathedral. (Christian Peacemaker Teams).
  14. ^ Levin, Jerry (December 19, 2003). From The Inside Looking Out: Report #28 - While You Were Gone Episode II. Christian Peacemaker Teams.
  15. ^ Hebron, Area H-2: Settlements Cause Mass Departure of Palestinians. B'Tselem (August 2003).
  16. ^ "A Kuwaiti Daily Reports Arafat Deposited $5.1 Million from Arab Funds into His Personal Account", Middle East Media Research Institute, June 14, 2002.
  17. ^ History/Mission of CPT. Christian Peacemaker Teams.
  18. ^ Murphy, Caryle. "D.C. Volunteer Finds No Peace On West Bank", The Washington Post, October 9, 2004, p. B09.
  19. ^ a b c d e Hebron. Jewish Virtual Library.
  20. ^ a b Christian Peacemaking Teams. HEBRON UPDATE: July 11-16, 2004, 2004-7-26.
  21. ^ a b Christian Peacemaking Teams. HEBRON UPDATE: August 17-23, 2004, 2004-9-1.
  22. ^ The Boston Globe. A top Israeli Says Settlers Incited Riot In Hebron 2002-7-31. (was here)
  23. ^ The Scotsman. "Settlers’ revenge leaves Hebron bleeding", 2002-7-30.
  24. ^ a b Jerusalem Post. "Field News 10/2/2002 Hebron Jews' offspring divided over city's fate", 2006-05-16.
  25. ^ a b Philadelphia Inquirer. "Hebron descendants decry actions of current settlers They are kin of the Jews ousted in 1929", 1997-03-03.