Heaven Sent (comic)

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Heaven sent is a fantasy six-part comic series by Ben Dunn, who is the creator of the popular western manga series Ninja High School.

Set in a small town known as FATE, it revolves around one everyman teen who's family is devastated by the loss of his mother who was working in the World Trade Center when American Airlines Flight 11 collided into the skyscraper. In a troubling prologue we see her demise as she sits by the window prior to it being struck by the doomed flight. Four years on and the teen is hit by a car and dies, however he is brought back to life and suddenly finds himself under the care of sexy if tomboyish guardian angel. Soon after the teen finds himself and his family in a conflct between Heaven and Hell, with our central protagonist becoming an unlikely savior against powerful satanists called THE CIRCLE who are hellbent on bringing about the creation of an ancient evil entity known only as THE ANTI-GOD.