Health food coach

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A Health Food Coach or "Food Coach" is a person who is hired to guide, direct, consult with and teach a client or a group of clients how to transition what they eat into healthy choices, both at home and when eating outside the home. Like a "life coach", a food coach is not a regulated and highly regimented profession. A Food Coach may have as much knowledge as a Nutritionist or Herbalist (and not the certification) but the effort of the coach's training is not to heal the sick; instead, it is to ward off disease by preventing that it ever gets a foot-hold on the basically healthy body. Junk food has been tearing down the nation's health ever since the 1960's and the instigation of the 'drive-thru fast food joint'. It seems to take thirty to forty years before eating pattern diseases are recognizable on a grand scale.

Hippocrates said "let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food". It is surprising to many people that doctors take the "Hippocratic Oath" yet know next to nothing when it comes to healing with food and nutrition in the correction and prevention of many diseases. In America, the bulk of the AMA allopathic doctors are geared to treating disease symptoms with pharmanceuticals instead of looking into the daily diet of each patient to see what the source of his/her nutrition and deficiency is. With the current 67% of the U.S. population being documented as "obese" including children (cite Oprah Winfrey and others) there is clearly a problem with the eating patterns of our fellow Americans. Films such as "Supersize Me" have proven the deleterious effects of eating 'fast food'. There are other destroyers in poor food combinations which chemically fight each other and end up fermenting instead of assimilating (as in eating meat protein with potato starch).

A Food Coach can interview a new client, go into his/her kitchen, advise on what to remove from the shelves and refrigerator, advise on appliances and tools to obtain, guide her during a grocery trip and teach her how to read lables and how to use the store isles. The food coach can explain the meaning of Organic Health Food and its difference from conventional food such as with fruits, vegetables and livestock. Then the food coach can teach the client how to wash and prepare the foods, how to cut and prep them and how to store them for immediate and future use. A food coach can teach cooking and heat application and its effects on enzymes and food integrity, especially of fats and oils which are very perishable, and can become carcinogenic if heated. A Food Coach can teach simple cell biology to the lay person that she may understand the 'hows and whys' that certain foods create a disease-prone environment and how to avoid that. If a client is ill, the food coach can work in unison with a Nutritionist or a doctor in healing the patient. Of course the best doctor to work with would be a Naturopathic doctor unless the Allopath has education in organic health food and its benefits. Category:Organic Food Category:Alternative Medicine