HD 83443

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HD 83443
Observation data
Equinox 2000
Constellation Vela
Right ascension 9h 37m 11.83s
Declination -43° 16' 19.94"
Apparent magnitude (V) 8.24
Distance 141.9 ly
(43.54 pc)
Spectral type K0V
Other designations
CD-42°5452, HIP 47202

HD 83443 is an eighth magnitude star in the constellation of Vela. It is an orange dwarf (spectral type K0 V), slightly cooler and less luminous than our Sun.

The star is known to have a planet orbiting it.


[edit] HD 83443 b

HD 83443 b
Orbital elements
Semi-major axis a: 0.04 AU
Eccentricity e: 0.08 ± 0.03
Orbital period P: 2.9853 ± 0.0009 d
Inclination i:  ?°
Longitude of
periastron ω:
Time of periastron τ: 2,451,581.44 JD
Physical characteristics
Mass: >0.41 MJ
Radius:  ? RJ
Density:  ? kg/
Temperature:  ? K
Discovery date: 2000
Detection method(s):
Discoverer(s): Mayor, Naef,
Pepe et al.

HD 83443 b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star. It was discovered in 2000 by the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team led by Michel Mayor. It has a minimum mass comparable to Saturn's, and its orbit is one of the shortest known, 1/25th that of Earth's. It takes only three days to complete one revolution around the star.

[edit] HD 83443 c

In 2000, the same year that planet b was found, another planet around HD 83443 was announced by the Geneva Team. The new planet was designated as HD 83443 c. It had a mass smaller than planet b and a short, very eccentric orbit. Its orbital period, 28.9 days, was especially interesting, because it indicated a 10:1 orbital resonance between the planets.

However, a team led by astronomer Paul Butler did not detect any signal indicating the existence of the second planet. New observations by the HARPS instrument could not detect the signal either and the discovery claim had to be retracted. The origin of the signal, which was "highly significant" in the earlier data is not yet clear.

[edit] References

[edit] External links