Hawk (birdman)

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Hawk (left) with Buck Rogers
Hawk (left) with Buck Rogers

Hawk the birdman is a character from the second season of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and the alien sidekick to Buck Rogers. He is portrayed in the TV series by Thom Christopher.

Having experienced his people killed at the hands of drunk humans, Hawk declares war on the entire human race, attacking any human space ship he encounters. This is eventually brought to the attention of Buck Rogers who is ordered to capture Hawk. During the chase Hawk's mate gets lethally injured and Buck and Hawk join forces in trying to get her to a healer. She dies, but Hawk is impressed by the fact that Buck offered his help. Having learned that not all humans are evil, Hawk joins with the Earth forces and goes with Buck on many adventures.

He wears black, has a head full of feathers instead of hair and speaks in an archaic and solemn fashion.