Haven (TNG episode)

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Star Trek: TNG episode

Deanna and Wyatt in "Haven".
Episode no. 11
Prod. code 105
Airdate November 30, 1987
Writer(s) Tracy Torme
Lan O'Kun
Director Richard Compton
Guest star(s) Majel Barrett,
Rob Knepper,
Nan Martin,
Robert Ellenstein,
Carel Struycken,
Anna Katarina,
Raye Birk,
Danitza Kingsley,
Michael Rider
Year 2363
Stardate 41294.5
Episode chronology
Previous "Hide and Q"
Next "The Big Goodbye"

"Haven" is a first season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, first broadcast November 30, 1987. It is episode #11, production #105, teleplay written by Tracy Torme, based on a story by Tracy Torme and Lan O'Kun, and directed by Richard Compton.

The episode features first appearance of Lwaxana Troi, the mother of regular character Counselor Deanna Troi.

Overview: Deanna deals with a commitment of an arranged marriage.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

On stardate 41294.5, the USS Enterprise arrives at the planet Haven, a world renowned for its beauty and mystical healing powers - although there is no solid scientific evidence for the latter. Upon arrival, Counselor Deanna Troi is summoned to the transporter room to receive a curious package. A silver box with a strange face on one side is beamed aboard. It animates to life announcing the arrival of Deanna's mother Lwaxana Troi and the honorable Miller Family. Deanna gasps as the box pops open spilling a wealth of jewels. Commander Riker asks her what this is all about and she replies they are "bonding gifts" - what he would call wedding presents. Riker is confused and asks who is getting married? Deanna quietly replies, "I am".

In a meeting with Captain Picard, Deanna explains that Betazoids have planned marriages, with mates chosen at birth. Even though the Millers and Deanna's father are human, they adopted the planet's traditions when they settled there. Picard asks her if she and her new husband will be staying aboard the Enterprise. She says no, and Picard simply offers congratulations leaving Deanna and Riker uncomfortably staring at each other. Deanna knows how deeply Riker loves her, but she wants to honor her father with the bonding.

Later, Picard and Troi greet the Millers - Steven Miller, his wife Victoria, and their son Wyatt, (Deanna's husband to be). Wyatt and Deanna embrace and Wyatt offers her a chameleon rose that changes color reflecting the wearer's mood. As the Millers quickly leave, Lwaxana beams in accompanied by her tall, gaunt servant Mr. Homn and a large pile of ornate luggage. Lwaxana greets her daughter with telepathy, and tells Captain Picard to carry her luggage. Deanna admonishes her mother's rudeness, but Picard accommodates her and fetches the heavy bags. Once alone with Deanna, Lwaxana apologizes for having brought the bonding issue back into her daughter's life, but says Steven Miller tracked her down and reminded her of their family's vows.

Later the bridge, Picard speaks with the First Electorine Valeda of Haven who indicates an unidentified vessel is approaching and it is not responding to hails. Picard assures her he will check it out. Meanwhile, Deanna and Wyatt get to know one another. Wyatt says he's a doctor, but Deanna thought he was an artist referring to a series of renderings of a beautiful woman, her face portrayed from childhood to adult. Wyatt says she is just a woman from his dreams and he was hoping Deanna would be her. Knowing Deanna was a Betazed, he assumed it was her projecting herself into his mind. Deanna is sorry she isn't what he expected, but he tells her that he is still honored to marry her.

Moments later, the Enterprise gets a visual of the approaching ship whose slender, elegant design hardly appears threatening. Data reports the ship is moving at sublight speed, and will take a several hours to reach them. Picard squints at the vessel, but then becomes alarmed when he realizes it's a Tarellian ship.

Picard assembles his staff in the lounge. Data leads the briefing focusing attention on a schematic of planets. He explains that decades ago, the Tarellians consisted of two distinct cultures who were at war and they engineered a deadly virus to annihilate each other. Some Tarellians supposedly escaped their world during the conflict, but they still carried the biological contamination and were thought to have died out. Picard believes the ship may have been drifting in space for years, but may still hold contaminated survivors. Bound by a Federation treaty to protect Haven, he cannot allow the ship to make it to the planet. However, he is also bound to render aid to lifeforms in need. Data reports the ship is still 13 hours away and Picard hopes to find the answers by then. In the meantime, Picard has a dinner party to attend to.

The bridge crew gathers with the wedding guests where Victoria and Lwaxana argue relentlessly about the formalities of the wedding. It is learned that Betazeds conduct weddings in the nude which honors the act of love, but Victoria finds this demeaning. Picard breaks the ice with a toast, wishing Wyatt and Dianna a happy and productive marriage. Wyatt asks Picard about the Tarellian ship, saying his knowledge in viral analysis may benefit Dr. Crusher. All notice that when Lwaxana takes a bite of food, Mr. Homn chimes a gong behind her. Lwaxana claims it's the Betazoid way of offering thanks. Riker becomes uncomfortable and excuses himself, saying he'd like to get back to the Tarellian situation.

Deanna later finds Riker on a holodeck sitting alone on a boulder and staring out over a desolate backdrop. She tries to comfort him, saying he is still her "Imzadi", (my beloved), which he claims is inappropriate now that she is marrying Wyatt. Wyatt invites himself into the holodeck, where the awkward situation is discussed frankly, much to Riker's chagrin and he leaves. Wyatt says their parents finally reached a compromise and they will have a ceremony where both Terran and Betazoid customs will be observed. He realizes Deanna is troubled with this bonding and asks if she really wants to go through with it. Deanna expresses that she truly does and they share a kiss.

Meanwhile, the Tarellian ship draws closer and Electorine Valeda calls, demanding Picard take action. Picard assures her he is doing what he can save for destroying the vessel outright. When the ship is in range, Picard orders it captured by tractor beam. Suddenly, a transmission comes through and Deanna is shocked when the face of the woman in Wyatt's drawings appears on the viewscreen. An older man appears identifing himself as Wrenn and asks for Wyatt. Wyatt comes to the bridge and is stunned to see the woman from his dreams. The excited woman says her name is Ariana, telling Wyatt he has come to her just as he promised. Wyatt is confused by her comment, indicating he never met her before, but only in dreams. Picard interrupts, asking Wrenn if they came to come to Haven thinking the planet cures sickness, but the man assures they have given up on such a notion and simply requests a peaceful resting place for the last of his people. Picard explains that decision rests with the government of Haven.

Wyatt returns to sickbay and tells Beverly that he will take the medical supplies to the transporter room. He sneaks a hyposprayer into his pocket and then heads to his parent's quarters. There, he stares at them as if trying to memorize the scene. Deanna stops by, sensing the turmoil building inside him. Wyatt tells her again how beautiful she is and gives her a deep kiss. He takes the supplies to the transporter room where he knocks the technician out with the hyposprayer. On the bridge, Geordi alerts someone is beaming over to the Tarellian ship.

Wyatt materializes in a small alcove aboard the Tarellian vessel. He walks into a gallery where the walls are adorned by portraits of his face. He turns to discover a group of Tarellians behind him. Wrenn welcomes him as Ariana approaches. Her beauty is just as Wyatt imagined. She takes his hand and states she knew he'd beam over.

Back on the Enterprise, Wyatt's parents storm onto the bridge. They demand Wyatt beam back, but Picard explains he cannot return without risking infection of the whole ship. Wrenn calls to explain that they can release the tractor beam, his people will not be going to Haven. Wyatt steps from the background and apologizes to Deanna and his parents, saying he wants to help these people. He knew he was coming to Haven to meet his destiny and he has found it. Deanna tells Wyatt she is happy for him and wishes him the best. The Enterprise lets the Tarellian ship go and it heads away from Haven.

Later, Deanna bids goodbye to her mother. Lwaxana is sorry to see such her wedding dress go to waste. She mentions perhaps it's her time to seek a mate. After mentioning Picard, she suggests Riker looks mighty handsome, but Deanna tells her he has other obligations.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] External links