Hate site

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A hate site is a website that promotes hatred. Typically, such a site will contain criticism of a specific race, religion, sexual behavior, or nationality.


[edit] Definition

A popular argument which attempts to define such things as vulgarity and pornography is "I know it when I see it," which can be equated to the United States Supreme Court's test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene.

This is a subjective argument, however, as what one person considers to be obscene, another may find perfectly acceptable. Generally, however, the intense dislike of a group of people based solely on one or more shared differences, considered bigotry, racism, and many others, could arguably be seen as hate.

[edit] Balance between free speech and hate

In the United States, many famous Supreme Court decisions have attempted to create a distinction between hate speech and free speech. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire articulated the fighting words doctrine, which held that social interest in order and morality outweighed an individuals right to speech. In other words, speech is only protected insofar as it does not create a breach of the peace.

Beauharnais v. Illinois gave further rights to groups to protect themselves from libel. Miller v. California established the Miller test, which is a three part standard for determining what qualifies as obscene.

[edit] Hate on the Internet

The online gathering of persons with racist, sexist, etc., attitudes can trace its roots to the days of the BBS. A high level of anonymity allowed users access to others with similar beliefs, without exposing themselves to public scrutiny. With the advent of the internet, these BBSs shifted to the World Wide Web.

Most of these sites contain message forums, for user interaction, and news briefs which emphasize a particular viewpoint.

[edit] Freedom of speech online

The introduction of hate sites, along with message boards and easier general access to the internet for the public, led many public officials to question if the same rights of freedom of speech applied online, where the same words and thoughts could reach many more people instantly. Today, there are still attempts to pass laws that would restrict the content available online, including hate sites and pornographic material.

[edit] External links

Websites which are considered Anti-Hate
In other languages