Hastingsbury Upper School and Community College
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Hastingsbury Upper School and Community College is a state sector upper school for 13-18 year olds and an adult education college in Kempston, Bedfordshire, England.
Hastingsbury is a leading light in Student Voice. Currently running around 13 initiatives for its students to get involved in, Hastingsbury has expressed the desire to involve students in decision making for many years. Beginning with Year councils, Hastingsbury developed a Students as Researchers committee which then led to the inclusion of several other initiatives into the school structure. Hastingsbury has worked with people such as Professor Jean Ruddock and Michael Fielding. The school now offers its Year 10 students the opportunity to take a Student Voice and Leadership course, giving them the chance to be rewarded for Student Voice. The school has received Healthy Schools status as a result of student participation. It has also recently become a Business and Enterprise College, currently the only one of its kind in Bedfordshire.