User talk:Harðor/Archive
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[edit] Notice
Please don't post here, but on my Talk-page instead. This page is for reference only, and normally won't be read.
[edit] Anglo-Saxon Wikipedia
Aaargh, I appear to have created duplicate articles for all the months... changing them to redirects. Harðor 13:00, 21 Oct 2004 (UTC)
Hi Harðor, welcome to Anglo-Saxon wikipedia! Feel free to contribute articles on all and everything; don't worry too much if you're not sure what Old English to use within an article. You're quite right about this being a new project: it was started within the last two weeks.
You may want to read Wikipedia:Hú tó ádihtenne trametas and Wikipedia:Hú_secge_ic. The first of these describes James's conventions for the encyclopedia; one of these is that:
- þ is used for unvoiced th (e.g. the th in Modern English thin)
- ð is used for voiced th (e.g. the th in Modern English that)
So, as an example, 'month' is monaþ rather than monað.
Thanks very much for your contributions on the months thus far. It's too bad you went to the trouble of doing all that work before hitting upon the existing content, but hopefully you'll be the last to experience that for the months thanks to your redirects. If you're wondering what pages the encyclopedia has already, you might look at Special:Newpages or Special:Recentchanges.
Thanks again! --Saforrest 13:38, 21 Oct 2004 (UTC)
Thanks for the introduction and the links, this will really help a lot.. One question though, is there also a list of templates? I also made a "Months of the Year" template, which didn't exsist due to me using the word "Cálend" instead of "Monaþ"... for example, are there taxoboxes already etc etc? Harðor 13:58, 21 Oct 2004 (UTC)
To my knowledge, there's no list of templates anywhere. There might be an auto-generated one somewhere; I couldn't find one on Special:Specialpages, which is where I would hope it would be, but you might try digging a bit. As for taxoboxes, they are in use (see Strýta), though they haven't been fully Englisced.
As for templates that exist, we have Template:Stycce (stub), a bunch of things like Template:HáligmónaþGerímbóc for monthly calendars, Template:Dagas þǽre wuce for days of the week, and a few more. --Saforrest 16:14, 21 Oct 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Wiki-list
Hey, ús helpe gif þu forðie þá wici-getale (, and sprece ymbe úserne Wicipǽdian, and his micelnesrím... --James 22:05, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Vandal
What'd the vandal do to the article on Bush? --James 20:12, 3 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- Added "IQ: 20" to the info box. --Saforrest 21:32, 3 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Englalande
Hi Harðor,
You hadn't done anything with Englaland for awhile, so I went ahead and added a couple of Landbox entries (for religion, currency, and national anthem) anyway. I also removed the statement asking people not to edit the page.
I understand it's annoying to have someone rush in and make some edits when you have another scheme in mind, but I'd prefer that requests to not edit pages not stick around for too long (e.g. at most a few days), because we should encourage editing whenever possible. That said, I very much like the Landbox design you put in place, and I'll try to emulate it everywhere else we have that kind of structured data. Cheers, --Saforrest 02:31, 6 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Cherokee Wikipedia
[edit] Cherokee script
Hi Harðor,
Would you happen to know the name of the Cherokee script in Cherokee? I'd like the proper name for the map on the writing systems page. (If you know, please post there or on my talk page. I'm equipped to display Cherokee.)
Thanks, kwami 08:10, 2005 August 30 (UTC)
[edit] English Wikipedia
I noticed your posting of Image:Acrididae.gif. You said that you couldn't find any copyright info, and therefore throught it was okay to post. I happened to find a copyright notice that specifically disallowed copying, which is part of why I marked it a copyright violation and asked for its deletion. But in the future, if you can't find the copyright notice, it's still copyrighted by default. Therefore, don't copy unless you have specific permission. Copying without there being a copyright notice is still illegal. Thanks for your cooperation. Superm401 19:26, 20 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- Allright, I will see to it. Thanks for the warning!
[edit] Germanic Wikiportal
[edit] Portals and divs
It's a flaw in the Wikiportal design. I'll see what I can do. ℬastique▼talk 18:15, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] My User Page
[edit] Anglo-Saxon on your user page
"Hwæt! Ic eom Harðor. Ic eom Dutsce leorningscniht in Physica (Englisc: Brian). Ealde sprǣcan bēoð hobby mīn."
- This should be "Hwæt! Ic eom Harðor. Ic eom Niðerlendisc leornungcniht in Physica (Englisc: Brian). Ealda sprǣca sind mīn glīw."
- The feminine plural is mostly -a, and adjectives agreeing with those nouns also end in -a, so ealda cwēne/leornunga/etc.
- The plural of the verb "to be" is "sind." Using "bēoð" indicates the future, so you would have said "old languages will be a hobby of mine"
- A pastime is either "glīw" or "gamen"
--JamesR1701E 07:24, 11 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Gothic Wikipedia
Hoi, bedankt voor je commentaar en advies... ja ben het met je eens, erg inactief, maar goed wat wil je met een uitgestorven taal hè. Mijn Gotische kennis is toch niet veel, het blijft bij Atta unsar haha, maar goed, in ieder geval bedankt voor je reactie! Servien
[edit] India
Hi Brian. This is a cool language and the font looks great. I was interwiking the w:India page. Is it possible that you write a line for India and link it up on en:India? I'll add the images once you link it from en:. Thanks, w:User:Nichalp 19:18, 28 May 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks for adding the gothic rendering of India. It looks great. PS I did not find any online link where I could learn more about this language. Regards, w:User:Nichalp 05:28, 29 May 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks for the info regarding the Goths + my name. I'm speculating, but I think the Goths could have heard of India, as it was known from before Alexander's time. As for Romance languages, I know a bit of French (but I'm a bit rusty I may add). I can however figure out the relationships between words and sentences in other Latin based languages (cyrillic included) and get a rough idea on what they mean. What kind of a font is this? It does not follow the unicode numbering and I had to modify my registry to see the script. 18:45, 29 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Dutch Wikibooks
Welkom bij de Nederlandstalige wikibooks, BrahnTelpefin. Ik zag dat je ook in de Engelse Wikipedia actief bent, dus ik sla de uitleg maar over. Maar als je nog vragen hebt, kan dat in de Lerarenkamer. Groeten, Mtcv 3 aug 2004 08:31 (UTC)
Hoi, goed werk met die cursus Gotisch! Ik heb wel een opmerking: de pagina's Oefeningen Les 1 en Antwoorden Oefeningen Les 1 zijn te algemeen (het zou over elke cursus kunnen gaan). Zou je de titel zo willen wijzigen dat 'Gotisch' in de titel staat? Bijv. Gotisch: Oefeningen Les 1 of Gotisch - Oefeningen Les 1 of Oefeningen Gotische Les 1. Bedankt! Mtcv 4 aug 2004 10:07 (UTC)
Tuurlijk wil ik dat. Ik vrees alleen dat ik weer allemaal lege pagina's creeer, zoals toen ik de titelpagina en inhoud etc. aanpaste naar de Nederlandse spelling met een t ipv. een th, resulterend in een Gotische In en een Gothisch - Inhoudsopgave... Hoe kan ik die verwijderen? Ze staan nu in de lijst met te verwijderen pagina's, wat geheel correct is, maar is er ook een manier om fouten direct recht te zeteen? Verder was ik inderdaad al van plan dit te weizigen, zo gauw als ik wist dit zonder al deze bijverschijnselen te doen. Ik dacht eerst dat gekoppelde pagina's een apparte map zouden krijgen ofzo, maar toen ik mijn fout inzag was het al te laat om het direct goed te doen. Ik zal dit dus inderdaad zo spoedig mogelijk doen, en heb er ook geen bezwaar tegen als het door iemand anders wordt gedaan. In dat geval is de geprefereerde titel: "Gotisch - Oefening Les 1" en "Gotisch - Antwoorden Oefeningen Les 1"
- Ik zie dat je het al gedaan hebt. Ik weet niet wat er gisteren is misgegaan, maar vandaag ging het goed. Je kan foute pagina's niet zelf verwijderen, die moet je op die verwijderlijst zetten. Bij dit soort foutjes kan je die het best onderaan zetten, bij kandidaten directe verwijdering. Dan kan een moderator hem meteen verwijderen. De reden is, dat andere gebruikers dan ook kunnen controleren wat er gebeurt. Ik zal Oefeningen Les 1 en Antwoorden Oefeningen Les 1 nu verwijderen. Mtcv 4 aug 2004 13:35 (UTC)
[edit] Dutch Wikimedia
[edit] eerste ontmoeting
ik zou iedereen graag willen uitnodigen te overwegen of zij een rol willen en/of kunnen spelen in de oprichting van een nederlandse wikimedia-organisatie. een eerste ontmoeting wordt momenteel georganiseerd, zie daarvoor hier, op de wiki. er zijn nog vele stappen te nemen, en meer wikianen nodig, om e.e.a. op verantwoorde wijze verder te ontwikkelen. Radiant_>|< 10:50, Jun 24, 2005 (UTC)