Haruhi Suzumiya

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Haruhi Suzumiya
Japanese 涼宮 ハルヒ
Suzumiya Haruhi
Voice actor (jp) Aya Hirano
Voice actor (en) Wendee Lee

Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮 ハルヒ Suzumiya Haruhi?) is the title character to the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel series as well as the manga and anime based on it. In the anime version, she was portrayed by Aya Hirano in the original version, and her voice is dubbed over by Wendee Lee in the English edition.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Personality

Haruhi Suzumiya is a girl in her first year of high school. Her classmates characterize her as being eccentric, beautiful, and unpredictable. She lacks a social life, detests small talk, and is viewed by her classmates as a deviant. In her introduction, she declares to be interested only in aliens, espers, time travelers, dimensional travelers (specifically sliders), and other oddities. Normal humans are of no interest to her. She often refers to classmates as objects rather than people.

With the desire of the extraordinary, Haruhi developed disdain for humans, particularly her classmates. Thus, she remained closed from other people and refused to interact with them individually. This is despite her exploration of club activities, of which she regularly joined and quit.

During the course of her middle school years, Haruhi has been approached by many boys for a date, with none of these offers ever being turned down, though most of proposals were apparently made through the phone. However, as explained by Taniguchi, the longest relationship was only a week, while the shortest a mere five minutes. Each abrupt breakup occurring because Haruhi became bored with the boys and frustrated by their lack of directness, a "very important issue" as she puts it. Many of her classmates now simply avoid her because of her eccentric reputation.

After Kyon's interaction, he becomes the first person who Haruhi regularly engages in conversation. Haruhi also begins to rely on Kyon to carry out the grunt-work for her plans and even begins to listen to Kyon's suggestions in spite of her stubborn character. Kyon describes her in this way: "Haruhi believes her values and judgment to be absolute. She does not understand what others think, or realize that they may think differently, or rather, it has never occurred to her that her way of thinking may be completely different from others’ since the beginning."

[edit] Competition

With her energetic character, Haruhi retains a charged competitive personality. Without hesitation, she hastily accepts challenges, regardless of the task ahead and level of experience. Winning is a must to her, and thus losing is deemed unacceptable. Any displeasure from losing, or the possibility of losing, seems to create a risk of the appearance of "closed space" - a phenomenon which can be interpreted in several ways (and is, by different characters) but is generally agreed to be extremely undesirable, with possible consequences as severe as destruction of the entire universe.

[edit] Skills

Haruhi demonstrates a large array of natural talents. She is very athletic, musically adept, and very intelligent (sometimes deviously so). With all these talents, she requires limited, if any, practice.

Until the formation of the SOS Brigade, she lacked any strong commitment or long-term interest in any single extracurricular activity. In fact, she joined every activity club in her high school only to quit them out of boredom the very same day, in spite of students pleading for her to stay due to her talents. It is because of her boredom with these clubs that she creates the SOS Brigade. Despite her many inborn abilities, she is rash, headstrong and often lacks common sense or good judgment.

Haruhi proved to be a natural at many different kinds of sports. Among the many clubs she joins and quit, some of them are sport clubs. Often do the regular members pleaded with her to remain with their respective club.

She has also demonstrated musical talents for both the guitar and singing (and, judging from the opening credits of the anime, the piano as well). She and Yuki temporarily performed with ENOZ replacing two of its injured members. Within the day of the school festival, Haruhi was able to perform two songs with limited practice time.

[edit] History

Haruhi's fascination and drive to find the mysterious is explained by a turning-point in Haruhi's childhood (Volume 1, Chapter 6). After visiting a typical baseball ball game, she was shocked to find that she was only one individual amongst a vast pool of 50,000 people, who in turn only composed a fraction of Japan's population. Though she originally believed her life to be filled with interesting people and events, she came to the realization that her experiences were not unique. Consequently, she believed then that there must be at least one person amongst many who were leading an interesting and truly individual life, causing her to seek out the extraordinary via her schemes.

[edit] The Incident

Haruhi is allegedly the cause of a significant incident approximately three years before her entry into high school. This event subsequently drew the attention of three prominent groups: the data entity aliens, a future human civilization with advanced time traveling technology, and a group of 'Espers' who spontaneously developed powers during the incident. They were drawn to Haruhi, correspondingly, by an off-the-scale data spike, inability to time travel to any date before the incident, and an inherent knowledge of the origin of their new powers. Depending on who one asks, Haruhi is herself explained as a crack in the space-time continuum, the first technological singularity to be spontaneously born in the universe or even God. In the words of Itsuki, "We would call a being with these powers 'God'."[1]

It is explained that she potentially has the ability to destroy the current world and create a new one from scratch if she becomes too bored with the current world, and has possibly done so before. The other members of the SOS Brigade know this and try to accommodate her whims if possible. Ironically, Haruhi is the only member of the SOS Brigade who is unaware of these factions and her own powers. It is unknown to the Brigade members how Haruhi might use her powers if she were suddenly to become aware of aliens, espers and time travelers, but is generally agreed to be 'bad'. Hence, the general consensus amongst the SOS Brigade is keep Haruhi ignorant of this.

Spoilers end here.

Haruhi Suzumiya
v  d  e
Series: The Melancholy (book 1) | The Sigh (book 2) | The Boredom (book 3) | The Vanishment (book 4) | The Rashness (book 5) |
The Disturbance (book 6) | The Scheme (book 7) | The Anger (book 8) | The Dissociation (book 9) | The Surprise (book 10)
Characters: List of characters | Haruhi Suzumiya | Kyon | Yuki Nagato | Mikuru Asahina | Itsuki Koizumi
Lists: List of anime episodes | List of Haruhi Suzumiya albums | List of character song albums
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