Harry Austryn Wolfson

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Harry Austryn Wolfson (1887–1974)
Harry Austryn Wolfson (1887–1974)

Harry Austryn Wolfson (November 2, 1887September 20, 1974) was a scholar, philosopher, and historian at Harvard University, the first chairman of a Judaic Studies Department in the United States. He is best known for his seminal work on the Jewish philosopher Philo, but was the author of an astonishing variety and quantity of other works on Crescas, Averroes, Spinoza, the Kalam, the Church Fathers, and the foundations of Western religion. His greatest contribution may therefore have been in collapsing all the artificial barriers that isolated the study of Christian philosophy from Islamic philosophy from Jewish philosophy (Twersky 1975). Being the first Judaica scholar to progress through an entire career at a top-tier university (Mendes-Flohr 1998), in Wolfson is also represented the fulfillment of the goals of the 19th-century Wissenschaft des Judentums movement.

[edit] Biography

Wolfson was born in Ostrin, Lithuania, and in his youth he studied at the Slabodka Yeshiva under Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein. In September 1908, he arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts and earned his bachelors degree and Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he remained (excepting the years 1912–1914) for the rest of his career.

Wolfson was a professor at Harvard University for approximately half a century, and was a student and friend both of George Santayana and George Foot Moore. He received honorary degrees from 10 different universities (Twersky 1975), and was a founding member and president of the American Academy for Jewish Research. He died in Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 20, 1974.

[edit] Works

Title page of Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy by Harry Austryn Wolfson (1947).
Title page of Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy by Harry Austryn Wolfson (1947).

Wolfson was a tireless scholar. About him Twersky (1975) writes, "He was reminiscent of an old-fashioned gaon, transposed into a modern university setting, studying day and night, resisting presumtive attractions and distractions, honors and chores, with a tenacity which sometimes seemed awkward and antisocial." He spent vast amounts of time secluded in the Widener Library pusuing his research. He wrote works including a translation and commentary on Hasdai Crescas' Ohr Hashem, the philosophy of the church fathers, the repercussions of the Kalam on Judaism, and works on Spinoza, Philo, and Averroes. The best-known of these works are listed below:

  • Crescas' Critique of Aristotle: Problems of Aristotle's Physics in Jewish and Arabic philosophy (1929)
  • The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfoilding the Latent Processes of His Reasoning, Harvard University Press (1934/1962)
  • Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Harvard University Press (1947)
  • The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Volume I Faith Trinity, Incarnation, Harvard University Press (1956)
  • The Philosophy of the Kalam, Harvard University Press (1976)
  • Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish philosophy, Harvard University Press (1979)
  • Solomon Pappenheim on time and space and his relation to Locke and Kant, pp. 426-440 in Jewish studies in memory of Israel Abrahams, Press of the Jewish Institute of Religion (1927)

He was known principally, as mentioned above, for crossing all artificial boundaries of scholarship, as revealed by the titles of his papers:

  • The meaning of "Ex Nihilo" in the Church Fathers, Arabic and Hebrew philosophy, and St. Thomas (1948)
  • The internal senses in Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew philosophical texts (1935)
  • The amphibolous terms in Aristotle, Arabic philosophy, and Maimonides (1938)

He was additionally known as a "daring" scholar, one who was not afraid to put forward a bold hypothesis with limited evidential support. In his work Wolfson therefore often chooses bold conjecture over safe, but boring, analyses (Twersky 1975).

[edit] References

  • Mendes-Flohr, Paul (1998), "Jewish scholarship as a vocation", in Alfred L. Ivry, Elliot R. Wolfson & Allan Arkush, Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism: Proceedings of the International Conference held by The Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London, 1994, in Celebration of its Fortieth Anniversary, Australia: Harwood Academic Publishers.
  • Twersky, Isadore (1975), "Harry Austryn Wolfson, 1887–1974", Journal of the American Oriental Society 95(2): 181–183.