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Haribhadra Suri (c.700-c.770, or 459-529, traditional) was a Jain author. Among his works are:

  • Anekāntajayapatākā (The Victory Banner of Relitavism)
  • Ashtakaprakarana (The Eightfold Explanation)
  • Dhūrtākhyāna (The Rogue's Stories)
  • Samarāiccakahā (The Story of Samarāicca)
  • Sāstravārtāsamuccaya (The Array of Explanatory Teachings)
  • Yogabindu (The Seeds of Yoga)
  • Yogadrishtisamuccaya (An Array of Views on Yoga)

Among his important teachings were tolerance for other traditions, and that ultimate reality can be grasped from multiple different perspectives.

[edit] References

  • Great Thinkers of the Eastern World (1995), I.P.McGreal (ed.), Harper Collins, New York.