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[edit] Things to do

f_\Theta(\theta) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} e^{-K} + \sqrt{{K \over \pi}} \cos \theta e^{-K \sin^2 \theta}                          \left [ 1 - {1 \over 2} \textrm{erfc}(K \cos \theta) \right ]

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[edit] Templates

Topics in Statistical mechanics
Statistical ensembles

Microcanonical | Canonical | Grand canonical | Isothermal-isobaric

Statistical thermodynamics

Derivation of thermodynamics | Characteristic state functions | Chemical potential | Activity coefficients | Equilibrium constants | Derivation of magnetic moments for f-block elements

Partition functions

Translational | Rotational | Vibrational | Electronic | Nuclear

Equations of state

Dieterici | Van der Waals | Ideal gas law | Birch-Murnaghan


Sackur-Tetrode equation | Nonextensive entropy

Particle statistics

Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics | Fermi-Dirac statistics | Bose-Einstein statistics

Statistical Field theory

Conformal field theory | Osterwalder–Schrader axioms

See also

probability distribution, Structureless particles.

Statistical mechanics
Microcanonical ensemble
Canonical ensemble
Grand canonical ensemble
Isothermal–isobaric ensemble
Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble
Topics in Modulation techniques
Analog modulation

AM | FM | PM | QAM

Digital modulation


Quantum optics operators
Ladder operators
Creation and annihilation operators
Displacement operator
Rotation operator (quantum optics)
Squeeze operator
[edit this template]
Coupling in science
Classical coupling
Rotational-vibrational coupling
Quantum mechanical coupling
Rovibrational coupling
Vibronic coupling
Rovibronic coupling
Spin-spin coupling
Spin-orbit coupling
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Lie groups
General linear group
Special linear groups
Orthogonal group
Special orthogonal group
Unitary group
In other languages