Hans Poelzig

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Hans Poelzig

Hans Poelzig
Personal Information
Name Hans Poelzig
Nationality German
Birth date April 30, 1869
Birth place Berlin
Date of death June 14, 1936
Place of death Berlin
Significant Buildings I.G. Farben Building

Großes Schauspielhaus
Haus des Rundfunks in Charlottenburg

Significant Projects Palace of the Soviets

League of Nations
Film sets for The Golem

Hans Poelzig (30 April 1869 BerlinJune 14, 1936 Berlin) was a German architect, painter and set designer active in the Weimar years. His mother was the daughter of a countess, and Hans Poelzig took her maiden name.


[edit] Education

In 1903 he became a teacher and director at the Breslau Art Academy (Kunst- und Gewerbeschule Breslau). From 1920-1935 he taught at the Technical University of Berlin (Technische Hochschule Berlin). Director of the Architecture Department of the Preußische Akademie der Kunste in Berlin.

[edit] Career

After finishing his architectural education around the turn of the century, Poelzig designed many industrial buildings. He designed the 51.2 m tall Upper Silesia Tower in Posen for an industrial fair in 1911. It later became a water tower. He was appointed city architect of Dresden in 1916. He was an influential member of the Deutscher Werkbund.

Poelzig was also known for his distinctive 1919 interior redesign of the Berlin Grosses Schauspielhaus for Weimar impressario Max Reinhardt, and for his vast architectural set designs for the 1920 UFA film production of The Golem: How He Came Into the World. (Poelzig mentored Edgar Ulmer on that film; when Ulmer directed the 1934 film noir Universal Studios production of "The Black Cat", he returned the favor by naming the architect-Satanic-high-priest villain character "Hjalmar Poelzig", played by Boris Karloff.)

With his Weimar architect contemporaries like Bruno Taut and Ernst May, Poelzig's work developed through Expressionism and the New Objectivity in the mid-1920s before arriving at a more conventional, economical style. In 1927 he was one of the exhibitors in the first International Style project, the Weissenhof Estate in Stuttgart. In the 1920s he ran the "Studio Poelzig" in partnershp with his wife Marlene (Nee Moeschke) (1894-1985). Poelzig also designed the 1929 Broadcasting House in the Berlin suburb of Charlottenburg, a landmark of architecture, and Cold War and engineering history.

1912 Department Store, Breslau
1912 Department Store, Breslau
South facade of the 1931 Poelzig Building at Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M.
South facade of the 1931 Poelzig Building at Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M.

Poelzig's single best-known building is the enormous and legendary I.G. Farben Building, completed in 1931 as the administration building for IG Farben in Frankfurt am Main, now known as the Poelzig Building at Goethe University. In March 1945 the building was occupied by American Allied forces under Eisenhower, became his headquarters, and remained in American hands until 1995. Some of his designs that were never built included one for the Palace of the Soviets and one for the League of Nations headquarters at Geneva.

Poelzig died in Berlin in June 1936, shortly before his planned departure for Ankara.

Upper Silesia Tower in Posen. Designed in 1911
Upper Silesia Tower in Posen. Designed in 1911
Babylon cinema and apartments in Berlin
Babylon cinema and apartments in Berlin

[edit] Legacy

[edit] Work

[edit] Buildings

  • 1901 Church spire, Beslau [1]
  • 1904 A Family house with garden pavilion for the arts and crafts exhibition
  • 1908 Dwelling houses (Mietshaus), corner Menzelstraße/Wölflstraße, Breslau (now Sztabowa/Pocztowa)
  • 1908 Dwelling house (Mietshaus), Hohenzollernstraße, Beslau (doesn't exist)
  • 1907 - ca1909 mixed commercial offices and retail (Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lauterbach), Hohenzollernstraße, Beslau (doesn't exist)
  • 1911 Sulphuric acid factory in Luboń
  • 1911 Getreidesilo, Markthalle in Luboń
  • 1911 Upper Silesia Tower in Posen for an industrial fair
  • 1912 Department store in Junkernstrasse (now ul. Ofiar Oświęcimskich), Breslau
  • 1913 Exhibition hall, wine restaurant, Pergola for exhibition, Breslau, (now part of UNESCO World Heritage Site "Centennial Hall")
  • 1919 Grosses Schauspielhaus, in Berlin
  • 1920 Festival Theater for Salzburg
  • 1924 Verwaltungsgebäude (office building), Hanover
  • 1929 Haus des Rundfunks (Radio Station), Charlottenburg, Berlin
  • 1931 I.G. Farben Building in Frankfurt
  • Evangelische Kirche
  • Apartment and cinema at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

[edit] Projects

[edit] Awards

[edit] Resources

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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