Hangman tree

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Dungeons & Dragons creature
Hangman tree
Source books
First appearance

In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Hangman tree is a plant. They resemble sparsely foliaged, deciduous Oaks with noose-like vines hanging from the branches, hence the name. Though plants, they are highly intelligent, and are capable of speaking Common, have minds and consciousnesses, and are resistant to magic. They can sense when prey is near, hibernate in the winter, and can attack and such with wills of their own.

Hangman trees, having few leaves and shallow root systems, need to catch prey. They release on will a hallucinatory perfume when victims are in the vicinity, which makes them mistake the Hangman tree for a normal tree, or even a Treant. Victims then come near, and, as can probably be guessed, the Hangman tree drops its nooses around the necks of the victims, strangles them, and then lifts them up and drops them into an opening which leads into their stomachs at their tops.

Hangman trees, as already said, speak Common. They are regarded as neutral in alignment, despite distinctly evil habits.

Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Creature types: AberrationAnimalConstructDragonElementalFeyGiantHumanoidMagical beastMonstrous humanoidOozeOutsiderPlantUndeadVermin

Categories: Dragonlance creaturesEberron creaturesStandard creaturesUndead creaturesSpelljammer creaturesGreyhawk creaturesForgotten Realms creaturesExtraplanar creatures

Lists of dragons: ChromaticDragonlanceGemMetallicPlanarOther