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Title Hangfire
Author Dan Cragg & David Sherman
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Science fiction novel
Publisher Del Rey Books
Released 2000
Media type Print Paperback
Pages 346 pp
ISBN ISBN 0-345-43592-3
Preceded by TechnoKill
Followed by Kingdom's Swords

Hangfire is the sixth novel of the military science fiction StarFist Saga, written by David Sherman and Dan Cragg. This installment of Starfist contains three significant and independent plots, one involving members of third platoon, Company L, and the second involves Brigidier Sturgeon, the FIST commander. In the third plotline, the alien race called by the Marines "Skinks" are shown conducting operations of their own.

[edit] Plot Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Three Marines of Company L, are sent on a secret mission to the mob-controlled resort world of Havanagas. Lance Corporals Claypoole and Dean, under the command of Corporal Pasquin, are to get the proof of mob control that Confederation law enforcement agents haven't been able to get, so that the gangsters can be brought to justice.

Brigadier Sturgeon, the FIST commander, ostensibly goes on leave, but instead of vacationing he travels to Marine Corps Headquarters on Earth to find out why 34th FIST seems to have been quietly "quarantined," with nobody being rotated out of the unit, even though it is considered a hardship post. This potentially career-endangering "back channel" trip reveals some very scary facts.

In the third plotline, and apparently as part of a strategic move, the Skinks visit a world only partially explorer by humans and find a pre-technological sentient race. The Skinks immediately take captives from them, and use them as laborers. The Skinks then invade Kingdom, a human occupied world.