Hand device

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Hand Device
Hand Device

The hand device is a fictional weapon in the Stargate universe.


[edit] Features

Referred to as a "Ribbon" device by the SGC, the hand device is a metal, glove-like object with a large red gem set in the palm. They are the personal weapons of the Goa'uld, and thus unlike other Goa'uld weapons they are used only by Goa'uld and not by the Jaffa. It has a variety of uses; it is an instrument of torture, an effective defensive device, and a flashy weapon used to inspire awe and terror of its god-like user.

The hand device's functions include:

  • The center gem can emit an energy stream that causes severe pain when applied to a victim's head, and which will eventually kill the victim by causing fatal damage to the victim's brain. This function of the hand device is usually used by the Goa'uld to punish their servants and to torture prisoners. It operates by creating a mental link between the Goa'uld and the victim, using the very hostility and anger of the Goa'uld to inflict pain. Somehow, if the Goa'uld is inattentive or preoccupied, the host of the Goa'uld using the hand device can send a message through the energy stream to the person being tortured; communicating mind-to-mind and without the notice of outside observers.[1]
  • The center gem can also emit a powerful shockwave which radiates outward from the device. Anyone hit by the shockwave will be thrown backwards and sent flying through the air for several feet, as if struck by a physical force of great size and velocity. This can kill the target if used to slam them into a wall or other hard surface, but damage is usually limited to massive bruising if their travel backwards is unimpeded. What this attack lacks in lethality, it makes up for in the awe and intimidation it creates. Jaffa attribute the Goa'uld ability to throw people through the air as a sign of their divine power.[2] However, if fired close enough to a target, the shockwave can cause fatal damage as demonstrated in the episode Seth.[3] when Samantha Carter used the device at close range to nearly break Seth in half and almost embed his body several inches in a concrete floor.
  • The gem can be used to "catch" zat blasts and render them harmless.[4]
  • Buttons on the wrist portion of the hand device can be used to remotely control Goa'uld technology, such as opening and closing doors on board a mothership and activating a Ring Transporter.[5]
  • Certain hand devices are equipped with an energy shield which, when activated, surrounds the user and gives them total protection from both bullets and energy blasts.[6] This function is usually only available on the hand devices belonging to particularly powerful Goa'ulds, such as the System Lords. The energy shield's only weakness is that it does not block objects with little kinetic force, such as hand thrown knives[7] or slow-moving tranquilizer darts. This makes a great degree of technical sense, as one would be unable to breathe within a shield that did not permit atmospheric gases to penetrate it.

Not just anyone can put on a hand device and operate it. Most of the device's functions are activated telepathically, and thus the user needs to know how to mentally control the device. The user also requires naqahdah in their bloodstream to make the device function. This mostly restricts use of the device to Goa'uld (as Jaffa do not have the training to mentally operate them). However, ex-hosts who were previously possessed by a Goa'uld and retain trace memories as well as naqahdah in their blood can also use the device, albeit not quite as reliably. Major Samantha Carter, who was left with naqahdah markers after being possessed by the Tok'ra Jolinar, once used a hand device to kill the Goa'uld Seth.[8]

[edit] Other

Linea had a different version of a type of hand device that appeared as a stone circle that would 'stick' to her palm and was capable of suffocating people from a distance without the user being seen as the one accomplishing the feat. It was seen in her first appearance and after that episode, such technology has not been seen again.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Forever in a Day". Stargate SG-1. 1999-10-08. No. 10, season 3.
  2. ^ "Threshold". Stargate SG-1. 2001-07-06. No. 2, season 5.
  3. ^ "Seth". Stargate SG-1. 1999-07-02. No. 2, season 3.
  4. ^ "Double Jeopardy". Stargate SG-1. 2001-02-16. No. 21, season 4.
  5. ^ "Enemies". Stargate SG-1. 2001-06-29. No. 1, season 5.
  6. ^ "The Nox". Stargate SG-1. 1997-09-12. No. 8, season 1.
  7. ^ "Secrets". Stargate SG-1. 1998-08-28. No. 9, season 2.
  8. ^ "Seth". Stargate SG-1. 1999-07-02. No. 2, season 3.
Technology in Stargate Edit
Tau'ri GDO | Horizon | IDC | Stargate Iris | Kull Disruptor | P90 | MALP | The Seeker Project | Naqahdah Generator
Wraith retrovirus | F-302 | Prometheus (BC-303) | Daedalus-class Battlecruiser
Goa'uld/Tok'ra Al'kesh | Death Glider | Ha'tak Mothership | Hand Device | Healing Device | Intar | Memory Recall Technology | Sarcophagus | Staff Weapon
Tel'tak | TER | Tunnel Crystals | Zat | Zatarc detector
Ancient Ancient City Ship | Ancient Control Chair | ATA Gene | Atlantis | Aurora-class Battleship | Dakara Weapon | DHD
DNA Resequencer | Drone Weapon | Healing Device | Project Arcturus | Puddle Jumper | Repository of Knowledge
Ring Transporter | Sangraal | Stargate | Time Dilation Device | Zero Point Module
Asgard Beliskner-class ship | Daniel Jackson-class ship | O'Neill-class ship | Thor's Hammer
Other Wraith Dart | Wraith Hive-Ship | Supergate | Ori Mothership
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Ori, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith | Other